RoundTable 360° June 2024 – Creating Characters

From idea to paper (or word) to performance, how do we bring characters to life?

That’s the question RoundTable 360°’s panel tackled in our June 2024 session.

This RoundTable explored the intricacies of character development across different creative mediums and uncovered effective strategies for creating characters that resonate deeply with audiences.

In storytelling and performing arts, characters serve as the heart and soul of narratives. Whether on the pages of a novel or portrayed on stage or screen, well-developed characters have the power to captivate and evoke profound emotional responses from audiences.

RoundTable 60°’s June 2024 session delved into how writers and performers breathe life into their characters, making them compelling, multidimensional, memorable, and inspiring.

This discussion was led by noted EU actress, model, and voice talent Sabine Rossbach.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°s? Reserve your space on Eventbrite.
Want to be on our panel and/or lead a discussion? Let me know here.