J.R. Waterbear’s “Purse Dog” in The Rabbit Hole VII: Not From Here

I asked fellow The Rabbit Hole VII: Not From Here anthology contributors to share some things about themselves prior to publication and those generous enough to do so will be appearing here for the next week or so.

Each entry gives a taste of their contribution, a little about them, how to contact them, how their story came about, and definitely a link to The Rabbit Hole VII: Not From Here (which you should purchase because it would make each and every one of us happy.
you do want to make us happy, don’t you?
i mean, considering what we wrote, you want us to know you’re a good person, right?).

And now, J.R. Waterbear’s Purse Dog:

Mister Frito is suffocating. His nostrils snuff the cloying reek of powder, perfume and sanitary products. He scrabbles helplessly. Something hard pokes him in the eye. In the darkness, he flings himself against leather walls, his panic rising until, suddenly, his back paws find purchase and he thrusts his head up and out of the purse like a drowning swimmer breaking water.

How the story came about:
The idea for the story came from observing purse dogs sticking out of purses and imagining what revenge they might inflict if given the opportunity.

About J.R. Waterbear:
J.R. Waterbear is the pen name of authors John Pulver and Robert Jablon. Both hail from Southern California and between them have hiked, kayaked, scuba-dived and surfed their way from Alaska to Mexico which influences their writing, particularly in their recently released post-apocalyptic, SF novel, Killswitch.
J.R. Waterbear’s novels:
Killswitch and Hollywood Bodies, a humorous mystery thriller are available at most fine bookstores.

See all The Rabbit Hole VII: Not From Here stories here.

The Rabbit Hole VII: Not From Here is available on