My “War Crimes” now in Panoply

War Crimes is a flash piece which grew out of my research into clashing cultures.

The sad part is the story is based on real events of the 20th century.

A friend recently told me about England’s “grooming gangs” and, in my ignorance, I wondered if he meant roving beauticians doing random makeovers in the street.

What I’ve learned is that we, as a species, haven’t evolved.

Or, if we have, we need to stop the process because what we’re evolving into will probably mark our demise as a species.

2 thoughts on “My “War Crimes” now in Panoply”

  1. Powerful. With all of “fake” videos made by AI, makes you wonder how an AI would judge the sins of the father. Who would they use to speak to us and what would they say?

    1. Thanks for commenting!
      The holes (to me) and in “judge” and “of the father.”
      The first implies a programmed morality, yet to be a morality it must be reflective, self-aware, and capable of learning/understanding beyond it’s original training. The second implies a capability of recognizing long-term consequences of actions.
      I don’t know of any current AI systems capable of such. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, only that I haven’t experience of them.
      What would they use to speak to us and what would they say? Ah, now we’re into Call-Response behaviors and The First Law of Semiotics. The former implies a shared/learned social structure, the second an understood sense of identity.
      Again, I don’t know of any current AI systems capable of such.