An Experiment in Writing – Part 14: Exposition via Character Revelation via Deep POV

This experiment follows a thread/arc started in An Experiment in Writing – Part 12: Overwriting, Toing and Froing and continued in An Experiment in Writing – Part 13: Exposition via Dialogue, the latter being wherein I offered

Exposition – an ugly lump of glucky words authors plop into their work with the intention of getting information to the reader.

Usually because they’re either lazy or don’t know any better.

Especially if it’s glucky.

I use Deep POV a lot and suggest it for the very purpose I demonstrate here: to get necessary story information to the reader and reveal character simultaneously.

Efficient writing that, dual purposing a section to incapacitate two aerial habituators penecontemporaneously.

Yeah, I’m an author. Can you tell?

Think I’m onto something? Take a class with me or schedule a critique of your work.
Think I’m an idiot? Let me know in a comment.
Either way, we’ll both learn something.

Get copies of Empty Sky and follow along.

For that matter, pick up several dozen copies of all my books because it’s a nice thing to do, you care, and I need the money.