“Nothing Ever Dies of Old Age in The Wild” now on BizCatalyst360

The kind folks at BizCatalyst360 just published my Nothing Ever Dies of Old Age in The Wild, about recognizing and understanding how The Wild sees to itself and thereby sees to us. Regular readers know my experiences of The Wild are documented under WildLife on this site’s menu.   Enjoy!

My “Three Attempts to Get Wet” in Wilderness House Journal

Sometimes you just have to have fun. And I did with this A Swim in a Pond in the Rain review because I needed to reward myself after spending a year+ reading this book. Steve Glines, EIC at Wilderness House, told me he laughed out loud reading my review, and it reminded him why he … Continue reading “My “Three Attempts to Get Wet” in Wilderness House Journal

Senior Fiction Editor, Wilderness House Literary Review

In a new and somewhat surprising development, I’ve become the Senior Fiction Editor of the Wilderness House Literary Review. Steve Glines, EIC, asked me to take on the role and I, of course, replied, “You’re kidding, right?” I think Steve chose me based as much on the similarity of our ages and life-experiences as on … Continue reading “Senior Fiction Editor, Wilderness House Literary Review”