An Experiment in Writing – Part 12: Overwriting, Toing and Froing

Overwriting: Putting more on the page than is necessary for the story to move forward. Toing and Froing: What happens when an author feels a need to move characters around in order to set up a scene rather than starting the reader at the point in the scene where the action (== interesting stuff) occurs. … Continue reading “An Experiment in Writing – Part 12: Overwriting, Toing and Froing”

Toing and Froing Again, Part 3

This is the final post in this Toing and Froing arc. The genesis of this arc came from my fouling up The Alibi chapter 3 (my current work in progress. Toing and Froing occurs when the writer/author has their characters move around or do things for no real story purpose; there’s no character development, no … Continue reading “Toing and Froing Again, Part 3”

Toing and Froing Again, Part 2

This is the second post regarding teaching myself to recognize Toing and Froing when I commit it (a most heinous act done by inept writers on hopeless prose, poetry (it’d be tough but I’m sure it can be done), scriptwriting, playwriting, (possibly) non-fiction, creative non-fiction, …). And remember, folks, I’m including myself in the above. … Continue reading “Toing and Froing Again, Part 2”

Toing and Froing Again, Part 1

Writing chapter 3 of The Alibi (my current work in progress which I’ll start posting in August 2022) challenged me and some good learning came from it. Usually I sit down to write and have at it. A few hours later I realize I need a bio break of one kind or another and toddle … Continue reading “Toing and Froing Again, Part 1”

Writing and Reading Rhythms

  I mention writing and reading rhythms in Toing and Froing Again Parts 2 and 3 and mentioned in other posts readers often tell me my writing pulls them along, that reading my work is effortless because it flows. First reader and critique group comments are often along the lines of “These lines flow so … Continue reading “Writing and Reading Rhythms”