Lily Iona MacKenzie’s Book Marketing 101

Author/Educator Lily Iona MacKenzie on Reviews, Goodreads, Readings and Radio Stations

Lily Iona MacKenzieMulti-talented author Lily Iona MacKenzie’s taking our Author Interview Plunge on Wednesday, 9 May 2018.

Lily’s also a font of knowledge on book marketing (she even teaches it at the university level as part of her creative writing offering!) and, when she shared some of her knowledge while recording our interview, I asked if she’d be willing to share some of her insights with us.

The message here? Take the time to do your homework…

Generous (she really is) as ever, she sent me the following. It’s a worthy and fun read. You can also find, follow, befriend and read Lily on:

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Phillip Strang – Murder is a Tricky Business (British Sleuths and Publishing Analytics)

Do your DCI and DI top the Amazon Sales Charts? – Murder is a Tricky Business with Crime Thriller Author Phillip Strang

Phillip StrangHello all and welcome to the first in our series of author interviews. The first to take The Plunge is crime thriller author Phillip Strang.

Everyone, please stand up and give Phillip a big round of applause for 1) taking part in our exciting adventure and 2) being the first to do so.

Hooray, Phillip!

I started writing at the instigation of my wife and daughter.

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How Self-Published Book Author and Marketing Maven Phillip Strang Gets Amazon Reviews

Learn how DCI Isaac Cook and DI Keith Tremayne Thriller Author Phillip Strang got over 300 reviews on Amazon

Phillip StrangPeople following me on social networks know that our first Author Interview Plunge is with crime thriller author Phillip Strang and is scheduled for 12:01pmET Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018. If you’re reading this post after that date/time, you can find his interview at Phillip Strang – Murder is a Tricky Business (British Sleuths and Publishing Analytics) (that link won’t be active until after that date/time).

Phillip and I were talking a few days after the interview and I asked him how he managed to get so many reviews (over 300) on Amazon. He graciously shared his methodology with me and gave me permission to share it with you.

A 15 Step Program
Important: The first step is not recognizing you have a problem, it’s deciding you want to succeed.
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Barb Drozdowich’s Author’s Guide to Working with Book Bloggers

Recommended reading

I picked up The Author’s Guide to Working With Book Bloggers because I wanted to learn more about working with book bloggers.

Well, duh, huh?

Perhaps if I wrote “I picked up The Author’s Guide to Working With Book Bloggers because I wanted to learn more about slicing deli meats.” I’d be a more interesting person.

Confused, but more interesting.

Anyway, I believe this is a good book for extroverts. I’m not, and I tend to think of myself as boring and dull. The Author’s Guide to Working With Book Bloggers is full of excellent information and pretty much it comes down to standing on a mountaintop with searchlights pointing at yourself while shouting into a megaphone (provided you do it all politely).

Polite I can do.

And I love mountaintops for the view.

Not to be seen, though.

Much of what is suggested is common theory to anybody who’s done social/internet marketing and the application part is worth the read. Lots of good links and advice. Excellent for extroverts (in the social sense, not the psychological sense). I think she even says something about some of us having to get outside our comfort zones.

I’ll have to practice my shouting. I guess. maybe.