Sabine Rossbach’s Happy Hour – 14 May 2020 Interview (wherein she waxes wonderfully about “Empty Sky”)

Sabine Rossbach is the wonderfully talented Luxembourg based actress and voiceover artist who’s blessing me with readings from my books. You can see the first one, a reading from my short story Cymodoce, here and on YouTube

You can hear the full interview on the ARA Happy Hour podcast which included several notables: Sandra Schmit, who started,

a journal entry by writer Jess Bauldry, a book promo and discussion with actress and voice talent Sabine Rossbach and a chat with author Jenna Liberatore, who shares a chapter in her new book.

And now, here’s Sabine!


Three Offerings for #WorldReadingAloudDay 2020


Sister Jamie Beth Cohen aka (@Jamie_Beth_S), author of Wasted Pretty, mentioned she’d done a reading for #WorldReadingAloudDay.

I, of course, never heard of #WorldReadingAloudDay.

The joys of mountaintop living.

But I love the idea, so here are three I hope you’ll enjoy.

The first two are from The Augmented Man, the last is from Those Wings Which Tire, They Have Upheld Me, one of the stories in my Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires anthology.

Hope you enjoy!

(and let me know what you think)




Fantasy Horror Author A.F. Stewart and I talk Deviltry, Noveltry, Shipbuilding, Agony and Ecstasy

Watch, leave a comment, gain a friend!

A.F. Stewart, aka @Scribe77, did me.

Interviewed me, I mean.

We talked about

  • The differences between writing short stories and novels (not much from a crafting standpoint, me thinks)
  • Creating sympathetic villains (even the worst person has one humanizing detail)
  • Genre writing (I don’t believe I write in a genre. My regular readers tell me my genre is “Joseph”)
  • My incredible anthology, Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires
  • Being able to do amazing things with words when you’re an author
  • The link between Satan and Hamilton Burger
  • Getting kudos from your readers
  • Ritchie and Phyl, my incredible work in progress
  • How writing Flash fiction is like building a ship in a bottle
  • Great Opening Lines
  • My incredible scifi/military/thriller, The Augmented Man
  • Writing about characters rather than genre (the story comes first, the genre comes second)
  • Empty Sky and my standing offer; read the book, leave a review, and I’ll send you an autographed copy of the rewrite when it’s published.
  • Children growing up
  • Stories that grew out of my anthropology studies – Mani He and The Goatmen of Aguirra
  • Getting kudos from editors and publishers
  • Writing almost fantastic fantasies (okay, the story’s fantastic. It uses almost fantasy elements – The Weight)

So, yeah, we covered a few things.


Teri Polen (Bad) Mooned Me

(and i liked it!)

Young adult horror, sci-fi, and fantasy author Teri Polen Bad Mooned me.

I know, it’s true. I should have known better and I’m ashamed of myself.


Teri asked me a bunch of questions – Would you rather be a vampire or a lion tamer? (no, that’s not right. I have The Magic Show on my mind. sorry), What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters of the opposite sex?, As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? and others.

I must have done good because the comments were flattering and I do oh so love flattery.

I do, I do, I truly do.

And please check out Teri’s books. We’ll both appreciate it (my reward is knowing I helped Teri out).

Rox Burkey Thinks I’m Hot!

Okay, she thinks The Augmented Man is hot. Okay, she thinks the book is hot.

Award winning Enigma Series Co-Author Rox Burkey wrote an amazing review of The Augmented Man a while back (THANKS, ROX!) and recently followed it up with an interview for IndieBeacon Radio.

You can read Rox’s review on her blog.

You can watch the interview on YouTube and Facebook.

You can listen on Spreaker and SoundCloud.


Then go buy the book.

While you’re at it, buy my other books, too. You wouldn’t want The Augmented Man to get lonely, would you?