We’re so happy and proud to announce the release of our first title, Joseph Carrabis‘ That Th!nk You Do (60 Ways to Be Healthy, Happy & Hold Off Harm) is now available on Kindle and will soon be available on most other platforms and in your local brick&mortars.
Category: Non-Fiction
Zen @ZenBenefiel Benefiel on That Th!nk You Do
…poignant and often profound observations of how we can better do what we do…
It’s published!
That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
Today’s blurb is courtesy Zen Benefiel, Visioneer and Executive Director – Live & Let Live, Host: Apocalyptic Chats, Author/Publisher/Speaker, Transformer, Prog Drummer, Experiencer, and Harmonist. You can also follow Zen on Twitter.
Joseph’s vast experiential wisdom and quick wit comes through in this display of poignant and often profound observations of how we can better do what we do from keen insight and understanding of his own process and success. Few can express and imbue our lives with such eloquent and often humorous deep dives into being a leader of your own business, life and relationships, let alone all the dynamics that entails. His short snippets of a reality, which few of us experience in such depth, is invigorating to read and ponder significance in my own life, as it will yours, too. The breadth of his topic material spans emotional, intellectual and even spiritual understanding we often don’t consider, let alone embrace and engage in our lives and work. The chapter pieces are quick reads. I highly recommend it for engaging those moments between That Think You Do, too. Enjoy!
Thank you, Zen!
Susan @SusanSneath1 Sneath on That Th!nk You Do
This is a book I’ll put on my library shelf and return to again and again.
It’s published!
That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
This week I’ll be posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself).
Today’s blurb is courtesy Susan “There’s Always Something Under” Sneath, co-host with Gail McDonald of The Change Zone. You can also follow Susan on Twitter.
I sipped at “That Think You Do “ by Joseph Carrabis. Change, choice, connection, and conversation (inner and outer) make for a hearty brew. Hooked by the exacting sensory images; neuroscience and wit added spice. I stopped often to digest the richness of resonant principles he weaves throughout.
This is a book I’ll put on my library shelf and return to again and again.
Thank you, Susan!
You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.
S. @SLewisCampbell1 Lewis-Campbell on That Th!nk You Do
…real insight on list keeping and the art of getting the job done!
It’s published!
That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
I’m posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself) prior to publication.
Today’s blurb is courtesy Author and Co-Founder of the award winning Beauty & The Beast Publishing S. Lewis-Campbell. You can also follow S. on Twitter.
Joseph’s Carrabis’ intriguing book, That Think You Do focuses on self-improvement and the process of task completion. In addition to the methods of completing tasks, Joseph provides real insight on list keeping and the art of getting the job done!
Thank you, S.!
You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.
Andrew @AndrewMFoster1 Foster on That Th!nk You Do
…a solid vision…
It’s published!
That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.
I’m posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself) prior to publication.
Today’s blurb is courtesy Poet and Co-Founder of the award winning Beauty & The Beast Publishing and The Shift Andrew Foster. You can also follow Andrew on Twitter.
It is understood that our ideas occur during sleep which is an invaluable unconscious endeavor to productivity. But to exhibit a solid vision in comfort while structuring short- and long-term goals it is favorable complacency that assures consistent evaluation.
Thank you, Andrew!
You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.