The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 10 – Naomi Dillinger, Annabelle


The Alibi – Chapter 10

Naomi Dillinger stood at aisle 7’s Tide end display, the nozzle of an industrial wet-dry vac in her hand. An angry customer slashed six of the gallon-plus ultra concentrated detergent buckets.

She knew they weren’t called buckets but look at the size of them.

Annabelle, the other girl on Naomi’s custodial team, petite and mute, backed away from the spill and wiped her eyes.

The floor manager mused, “Must have been some kind of angry to do something like this.”

Naomi handed Annabelle a tissue. “Must have come prepared carrying a knife that’d do this. Those containers are thick-walled, don’t cut easy. And small. Or concealable. A Karambit or Adamas, probably.”

The floor manager stared at her.

Naomi shuffled through the custodial cart’s supplies. “We’ll need to perimeterize this.”

The floor manager backed away. “You scare me, Dillinger. Perimeterize? Kambit and Adam? Those are combat knives? How do you know that stuff?”

“Lot of reading, I guess.”

Annabelle got the spill kit out of the custodian’s cart. Naomi stopped her. “Not yet. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Annabelle wiped her eyes again.

“Yeah, I know. The perfumes they put in these things could gag a maggot.”

took a small, wire-bound notebook from her shirt pocket, clicked a pen, and wrote in precise, block capitals “Where go?”

“Women’s undergarments? Sure you don’t want to teach me sign language?”

Greetings! I’m your friendly, neighborhood Threshold Guardian. This is a protected post. Protected posts in the My Work, Marketing, and StoryCrafting categories require a subscription (starting at 1$US/month) to access. Protected posts outside those categories require a General (free) membership.
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“Eliana’s GiveAway” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered Living with Intention (Intention: Part 2) on BizCatalyst360 and this week those kind and gracious folks are sharing my Eliana’s GiveAway, the next in a series on making one’s life and others’ lives better.

In this case, a short piece about helping someone discover their own power to heal.


The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 9 – Briggs Lane Gets Pissed


The Alibi – Chapter 9

Briggs Lane stood at the window of his Lane, Cuomo, and Greenberg top-floor corner office. He held a pair of MIL710 Optical Enhancers to his eyes and focused on Innovation Square. “Those stupid bastards. Nobody ever taught them not to shit where they eat?”

He placed the MIL710s back in their padded box, placed that in a desk drawer, closed the drawer, and pressed his thumb against what appeared to be a lock. The drawer hissed. It seemed the desk sucked the drawer in a microscopic inch or two and sealed it into place.

He stepped around his desk – mahogany and large enough to play shuffleboard on – and to an opposite wall. Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa hung there. He smiled, lifted his fingers to his lips, kissed then touched his fingers to the carving’s frame.

The wall opened and revealed what the few privileged enough to see it referenced as variously “the weapons locker,” “the Predators’ trophy array,” and “Elon Musk’s wish list.”

That last one always gave Lane a chuckle.

Musk was such an ass.

Never invited Briggs to any parties, never accepted Lane’s invitations to dinner when he was in Boston.

What a fucking ass.

Lane lifted what looked like a disco dance club’s glitterball from its birth in the hidden compartment to reveal a small, gold nameplate with HIVE engraved on it.

Greetings! I’m your friendly, neighborhood Threshold Guardian. This is a protected post. Protected posts in the My Work, Marketing, and StoryCrafting categories require a subscription (starting at 1$US/month) to access. Protected posts outside those categories require a General (free) membership.
Members and Subscribers can LogIn. Non members can join. Non-protected posts (there are several) are available to everyone.
Want to learn more about why I use a subscription model? Read More ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Enjoy!

“Living with Intention (Intention: Part 2)” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered Intention, Part 1 on BizCatalyst360 and this week those kind and gracious folks are sharing my Living with Intention (Intention: Part 2) (a follow-up piece. Bet you couldn’t guess).

In this case, a short piece about what I’m learning about myself.


The Augmented Man Repub

Yes, I know.

The book, much like protagonist Nicholas Trailer himself, is back.

Fascinating publishing history this near universally praised book has had (and something I’ll write about later. The best I can offer is “It’s been a wonderfully educational experience I wish I never needed.” I was going to write “…I never had.” and know such things happen with a purpose).

In any case, resurrected again with a new cover and front- and back-matter, The Augmented Man is on sale until 15 March 2023 for $0.99 Kindle, $10.99 Paperback.

From 16 March 2023 forward it’s $2.99 Kindle, $18.99 Paperback.

At least I know neither the book nor Nick Trailer himself are going away this time.

It’s not the publishing path I would have chosen, and at least now I know it’s with a publisher who’ll do what they say they’ll do when they say they’ll do it.

Can’t beat that.