How Self-Published Book Author and Marketing Maven Phillip Strang Gets Amazon Reviews

Learn how DCI Isaac Cook and DI Keith Tremayne Thriller Author Phillip Strang got over 300 reviews on Amazon

Phillip StrangPeople following me on social networks know that our first Author Interview Plunge is with crime thriller author Phillip Strang and is scheduled for 12:01pmET Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018. If you’re reading this post after that date/time, you can find his interview at Phillip Strang – Murder is a Tricky Business (British Sleuths and Publishing Analytics) (that link won’t be active until after that date/time).

Phillip and I were talking a few days after the interview and I asked him how he managed to get so many reviews (over 300) on Amazon. He graciously shared his methodology with me and gave me permission to share it with you.

A 15 Step Program
Important: The first step is not recognizing you have a problem, it’s deciding you want to succeed.
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Blind Idiots

In a world where alternative facts are de rigueur, it’s worth noting a slight mistake made in a BBC documentary entitled “Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial” (it’s a brilliant documentary. Let’s hope we never repeat the reason for its making).

Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial
There’s a line close to the beginning about Hitler and Goering; “…together they destroyed German democracy.”

Sorry, that can’t be correct. Unless they were the only ones doing anything at the time. History says otherwise. There were lots of people in Germany, lots of people in Europe, lots of people in the world at the time. Still are.

To say that two people brought down a country…wow…that’s pretty much stating that the rest of the country, continent and world were idiots.
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Bill, Putting It On for The Ladies

Bill’s got quite the Flock! (Wha-ha wha-ha wha-ha)

Happy Holidays once more, friends.

I’m continuing the thread started with the Eve of Christmas Eve visitation of Ophelia the Opossum and the Christmas Eve visitation of Euste the Fox. This time I’m writing a follow-up to Agnes, Francesca and Bill.

Susan and I woke up Christmas morning with a wonderful, deep, sheltering snowfall causing the trees to bow in honor of WinterMan‘s passing. We don’t celebrate Christmas so much as recognize its cultural meaning, its significance in the collective consciousness. We also recognize the meaning of turkeys in many traditional and aboriginal ways of thinking.
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Euste the Fox

Euste and Vasch are planning, something Two-Legs do not. Or little.

Happy Holidays again, All.

I mentioned in Ophelia the Opossum that we’ve had many visitations and blessings here over the past few days. A few nights back we were graced by Horace, a healthy adult male black bear, standing some 5’6″-6′ and probably 250-300#. I didn’t notice him at first. There seemed to be a great shadow in the yard. Susan (wife/partner/Princess) said, “I think there’s a bear in our yard,” and sure enough, when we looked, he stared back at us, smiled and waved.
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Ophelia the Opossum

Cute but not exactly cuddly

Happy Holidays, All.

Things have been busy here. Many visitations, many blessings. I’ll be sharing them over the next few days. I hope your holidays have been as blest as ours.

And now…

Behold Ophelia the Opossum, a juvenile female that’s been coming regularly to clear the table – or ground – when the raccoons and fox are finished.
Continue reading “Ophelia the Opossum”