A Lady Alone

Following up on last week’s rant about Two-Leggers attitude re bringing children into the world vs The Wild’s, more with our lovely Lady Coyote.

This video is from late March 2022 and I’m happy to announce she and her escort brought three healthy pups into the world.

They were delightful to watch, once mom and pop brought them around.

Good eatin’ at the Carrabis’, you know.

At some point we saw them less and less.

Better hunting elsewhere, I guess.

More safety, as well.

There be humans here, you know.

And The Wild knows.

Humans can’t be trusted.


Understanding and Using NextStage’s Level 1 Sentiment Analysis Tool

Note: this post originally appeared as a blog arc on my old Triquatrotiticale blog. I’m resurrecting the complete arc here as it’s referenced in That Think You Do‘s “The Liz Effect” chapter

For those of you who weren’t in the loop, NextStage has been taking it’s desktop tools and turning them into web tools. The first to come out of that particular shute is NextStage’s Sentiment Analysis Tool. I’ve written about that tool before in Sentiment Analysis, Anyone? (Part 1) (happy to resurrect, if you wish) and Canoeing with Stephane (Sentiment Analysis, Anyone? (Part 2)) (ditto). Here I’ll be sharing how to use and understand the Level 1 version of that tool.
Continue reading “Understanding and Using NextStage’s Level 1 Sentiment Analysis Tool”

The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 3

Previous entries in this novel:
[display-posts orderby=”title” s=”The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery)” date_query_after=”2023-1-01″]

The Alibi – Chapter 3

Cranston grabbed the railing as he jogged up the stairs to Precinct House 17. He may have been a linebacker in college, but that was thirty-five years ago and now he needed to pull himself up inclines when he jogged them.

He snapped his hand back as if the railing carried high-tension electricity and stared.

The railing was shaking?

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Peanuts for Her Pups

I’ve heard people say there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman carrying a child.

Strangely, I rarely hear women make that statement.

Especially when they’re dealing with changing hormone structures, changes in their bone density and joints, the physical bloating, cravings and purgings that’d do a bulimic proud, swelling breasts, …

Sorry for this – It almost seems as if the men are proud of what they’ve done.

Somehow men forget what they contribute is – quite literally – the starting gunshot. They then get to sit back and watch the race from the comfort of wherever.


Some kind of male-directed hostility on my part, huh?

I suppose it comes from my time ferrying pregnant women to safe medical facilities.

Scan the protesters and the majority are men.

Except for the women.

Who shout something about they went through this hell, now it’s your turn!


So, upon reflection, my hostility isn’t at men or women, really.

It’s about bringing unwanted children into the world, children who will not be cared for, nurtured, who will not be loved.

Unwanted children. Children abandoned by parents who never leave home, who abuse their children to the point where the children think of dying as an escape.


That really makes me mad.

But such doesn’t happen in The Wild.

There parents sacrifice for their offspring.

How come Two-Leggers forgot that?


Zina-Vivianne Walker on That Th!nk You Do

A book that will draw you in and make you think.

It’s published!

That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!

I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book and am posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself).

Today’s blurb is the last in this series and is courtesy Holistic Trauma & Mental Wellness Coach Zina-Vivianne Walker.

A book that will draw you in and make you think.


What can I say? A book that will draw you in and make you think.
To me, that is ideal.
Raw writing is the best. Writing that makes one pause….writing that makes you tilt your head and question. The best!!!

Thank you, Zina-Vivianne!

You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.