Dorothea Brande’s “Becoming a Writer”

I read Dorothea Brande’s Becoming a Writer right after reading Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. The two books share a theme of self-exploration. Becoming a Writer was originally written before meditation and Buddhism were established in the west, and Brande still makes her case for self-exploration through “meditation without calling it meditation” exercises. I’d … Continue reading “Dorothea Brande’s “Becoming a Writer””

Two Pieces for a Workshop

I mentioned back in Four pieces for a workshop that I’m taking an online writing course. I’ve taken a few courses from this provider since then. It is a fascinating experience. A few of the students are worth the price of admission. I can’t stop thinking of them as characters – truthfully, more like caricatures … Continue reading “Two Pieces for a Workshop”

Ansen Dibell’s “Plot”

First, Whoa! The book’s entitled Plot and it has immediately useful (to me) techniques and examples on Plot (duh!) Story Structure Setting Description POV Exposition Scenes and it does it all in 170 pages (which includes a seven page index)! I’m blessed because I purchased most of my writing texts in the 1970s-early 1990s, long … Continue reading “Ansen Dibell’s “Plot””

I Pitched Nine Agents in Two Days – Six said Yes! Here’s What I Learned (Do’s and Don’t’s)

I recently had a fascinating week; Nine agents (including the ones who weren’t interested in my work) shared industry insights and offered suggestions for improving my pitch. Two Big TakeAways Upfront: No agents/publishers will ask you to put your own money into marketing. Pitch in person/virtual whenever you can.   This post is the first … Continue reading “I Pitched Nine Agents in Two Days – Six said Yes! Here’s What I Learned (Do’s and Don’t’s)”

World-Building – Belief Systems

Belief systems are part of the anthropologist’s triad – culture, language, myth (belief). These three are so intertwined I can’t imagine studying one without drawing deeply of the others. Our personal library contains ~300 books on different belief/faith/mythological/folkoric systems. If you count ebooks, the number goes over 1,000 volumes (and note my bias there). But … Continue reading “World-Building – Belief Systems”