Writing Mentoring

You are a fabulous teacher. – Parsippany, NJ

Let me save you some time before reading this post by starting out as I did with Critiques: Online or via Email; Do you want to improve your writing? Are you willing to pay to improve?

If the answer to either of those is No then read no further, this post isn’t for you.

Answered Yes to both? Read on.

The Joseph I know is a gifted author, supportive human, and thoughtful mentor. His thoughtful insights on a myriad of subjects allows for lively discussions and good insights. … The operative word is constructive. Suggestions by Joseph are very specific which helps the entire learning process. Note, this is different than simply working with an editor, or English teacher, or even beta readers, because the feedback is actionable. It is an honor to rank Joseph as a mentor. – Houston, TX

Continue reading “Writing Mentoring”

Critiques: Online or via Email

As a writer, Joseph helped me to unlock my potential, opening up parts of my stories’ universes I couldn’t see. – Beaumont, TX

Let me save you some time before reading this post; Do you want to improve your writing? Are you willing to pay to improve?

If the answer to either of those is No then read no further, this post isn’t for you.

Your critique of my novel was priceless. – Hudson, NH

Answered Yes to both? Read on.
Continue reading “Critiques: Online or via Email”

How Self-Published Book Author and Marketing Maven Phillip Strang Gets Amazon Reviews

Learn how DCI Isaac Cook and DI Keith Tremayne Thriller Author Phillip Strang got over 300 reviews on Amazon

Phillip StrangPeople following me on social networks know that our first Author Interview Plunge is with crime thriller author Phillip Strang and is scheduled for 12:01pmET Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018. If you’re reading this post after that date/time, you can find his interview at Phillip Strang – Murder is a Tricky Business (British Sleuths and Publishing Analytics) (that link won’t be active until after that date/time).

Phillip and I were talking a few days after the interview and I asked him how he managed to get so many reviews (over 300) on Amazon. He graciously shared his methodology with me and gave me permission to share it with you.

A 15 Step Program
Important: The first step is not recognizing you have a problem, it’s deciding you want to succeed.
Continue reading “How Self-Published Book Author and Marketing Maven Phillip Strang Gets Amazon Reviews”