A few nights back we heard some celebrating. Curious, I rose from my slumbers and investigated.
Behold, Mr. Helfen. Many years back we were routinely visited by Mr. Giffords.

Mr. Giffords was a jovial sort and quite convivial. He came at all hours, announced his arrival, requested his pleasures, graced us until other, coyoteish chores called him away.

We’ve not seen this good fellow for some six years now, and yes, we miss him. We’ve heard others of his clan cavorting but none came to share their exploits with us, tell us of their far travels, of the things they’d seen or whom they’d met.
Until a few nights over this past October.
Welcome Mr. Helfen, a bit shyer, a tad more timid.
Still, a welcome guest at our backyard table.
By the way, the sounds you hear 3/4s in are me tapping to get Mr. Helfen’s attention, nothing more.