Empty Sky Chapter 4 – Al Carsons
Love like a Whirlwind, Loss like a Hurricane
Quite the Life (and all in Times New Roman 10pt!)
Love like a Whirlwind, Loss like a Hurricane
Wake up, Dad! Please wake up!
The Oneiroi
What do you see in the night sky?
Sponsors following my #EmptySky Twitter updates know I’m rewriting the novel. Here are the original first chapter and the rewrite. Let me know which you prefer (yes, there’s a quiz at the end)
The Moon
The Moon pushed up from the horizon, through the oaks and maples which dominated Michigan’s upper peninsula forests. Her white-slippered feet pressed against the acorns and seedlings, casting little moonshadows upon the cold, mist covered, late October land.
Through a cabin window she saw a delicate, flaxen-haired boy asleep upon a cot. Beside him was the shadow of a great dog. She lifted her arm to light a better view and saw it to be a golden, his muzzle whitened with the years. Both boy and dog lay quietly, resting between dreams.
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