Sid Just Hanging Out

Nothing quite like a relaxing raccoon.

My better spirits kept me from suggesting a lazy raccoon.

Some in The Wild move slower than others, some faster than others, and all move to the music Nature plays for them, to the ways and on the paths The Old Ones set down before Two-Legs gained our name.

And still…it’s nice to relax on a warm June day, don’t you think?


We do what we can for nursing mothers

Once again we glory in Hecate and note she has concerns.

Because we value The Old Ones in our lives, their concerns are our concerns.

In this case, we suspect Hecate is concerned about the growing Coyote population in the woods behind our home.

We want the Raccoons to feel safe when they grace us with their presence.

Likewise, we want Coyote to know we appreciate them as well.


A problem to be solved…


Oh, They’re Quick, You know…

They can be quick, you know.


And quick.

Perhaps they have something else to do?

Ever wonder if The Wild makes appointments?

If Coyote has other matters it must attend?

Aside from changing seasons, aside from sudden weather changes (is there such a thing as a “sudden weather change” in The Wild? I mean, aren’t they aware of such things? Doesn’t their weather-wizardry put Two-Legs’ best meteorologists to shame? One wonders…).

They know they must return to their den, their nest, their roost, their burrow, to feed young, to check on mates, to do things only The Old Ones alone know how to do or which even should be done?

One wonders…

If only we had the millions of years of accumulated wisdom as do they.

We do, of course. We are both products of evolution.

The big difference, me thinks, is they pay attention.

We don’t.


“Whispers” now in Carmina Magazine

How many times do I have to tell people I’m not a poet?

The heck with it. If people want to publish my poetry, so be it.

And wouldn’t you know, that’s just what Carmina magazine did with my Whispers poem.

And many thanks to Irene @irenejosefsen Josefsen for telling me to quit lying to people and own the fact I write poetry.

Some of which gets published.


I’m an object of curiosity

While recognizably of poor quality (the video, not the gentleman who is the subject of the video), the attention The Wild grants Two-Legs always intrigues me.

And not just Coyote – as is the subject of this post – but all Old Ones focus on us when we’re around.

Survival, I’m sure, to many, and I doubt that’s the case here (meaning “in our yard”) as they don’t shy away from us often.

Such is not the case when our neighbors gather.

Then it’s hustle justle hustle get back into deep cover before they do something…


But I’ve interacted with Two-Legs enough to know respect for one’s teachers is neither a universal nor a given.
