My How They’ve Grown

And no TXTing at the table, either.

I mentioned In Beryl the Community Organizer that Hecate’s kits have grown.

I wouldn’t want you to think I was fooling you.

No, Hecate’s kits have grown. Sometimes she lets them dine with her, more often it’s not a happy family. The Wild doesn’t sanction children living at home beyond their years, something they often remind me when we see Two-Legs coming to-and-fro in the neighborhood.

I explain about college loans and dwindling economy. They laugh. They ask if I’ve ever heard of “loss of habitat” or “environmental collapse”.

Touche’, Old Ones.

In any case, Hecate’s kits:

Do you noticed that not a one of them has their cellphone at the table?

Vasch and Euste Join Us for Some Casual Dining

Table for Two?

I mentioned Vasch and Euste in an earlier post about one of their kits, Pascha. Specifically, I asked Pascha to tell his folks that the tavern is still open.

Good kit that he is, he hurried home to let his folks know.

A few nights later Vasch and Euste graced our table. Casual dining, of course, nothing fancy and always lots of fun.

You’ll note that Vasch goes to check the salad bar. Loves his greens, that one.

Pascha the Fox

Children amongst The Old Ones

Cooler nights bring different friends to our tavern. Often these are new friends, children of old friends. These new friends tell us of their parents. Some have moved on, some have passed on, some are still around and we say, “Say hello for us. Let them know the tavern’s still open. Best ale, grog, mead and fixen’s around.”

Case in point, Pascha the Fox. Pascha is Vasch and Euste‘s kit from a few years back, come a visitin’.

One wonders if, having graduated from college somewhere, he’s returned to live in their basement for a while until he figures out what he wants to do, until he “finds himself”.

We’ve done the best we could with you, now it’s time for you to be on your own.

Such things don’t happen in The Wild. Once out of the nest, you’re out of the nest. Offspring and siblings will return and sometimes the greetings are warm and friendly, more often not.

The Wild is older – much older – and definitely wiser – far wiser – than Two-Legs. It’s “We’ve done the best we could with you, now it’s time for you to be on your own.”

Still, Pascha came through and we gave him good greetings.

I mean, wouldn’t you? He is a fox.

Beryl the Community Organizer

To dine among friends. Even the Two-Legged kind.

Ah, Beryl. First mentioned in Hecate and The Munching Wallendas (and I’ll have to show you soon how they’ve grown) and then in his own post, Beryl the Rabbit, we have more of Beryl.

I would have posted about our resident WildLife sooner and I’ve been busy with a final rewrite of The Augmented Man before sending off to the publisher (it’s due out in 25 Jul 2019).

So it goes for us two-leggers. Commitments sometimes cramp our style.

Not so The Old Ones.

Definitely not so with Beryl (sorry, still no video of Berylia. We have seen Berylina and possibly Beryt, though).

Beryl, we’ve discovered, is quite the community organizer. Whenever and wherever Beryl dines, others gather for the conversation, the gossip, the fun, the laughter (at Two-Legs expense, no doubt), and the good times in general.

At first we thought Beryl was channeling Noah. All the others seem to appear in twos.

Didn’t last long though.
Continue reading “Beryl the Community Organizer”

Hecate and The Munching Wallendas

Table for five, please.

Remember Hecate? Remember her kits?

There are few things as joyful as entertaining a troop of raccoons. One year we had four mothers and their kits, nineteen racoons in all, in our backyard.

It was wonderful.

We still have near nightly munchings in our backyard. Sometimes we have late afternoon munchings. Hecate always comes first and most forward, although as the kits mature they get bolder. None have walked over my feet or nibbled my toes yet and there’s still time.

You may also remember Beryl. I mentioned that we probably also had a Berylia. I thought I’d seen Berylia. There was a rabbit that seemed slightly smaller than Beryl but such evidence is hearsay and not admissible in court.

Yesterday afternoon, when I went out to feed Hecate and her kits – their names, by the way; Festus, Jules, Verne and ‘Tricia (not an abbreviation of Patricia, simply ‘Tricia, thank you, please) I saw Berylia and Beryl. No videos yet. Hecate took exception to their munching clover while her kits were close by.

So it goes. The joys of motherhood.

You never know, though…they might be wascally wabbits.