RoundTable 360° July 2024 – SideHustles and SideGigs

What do you do to support your art when your art isn’t supporting you?

That’s the question RoundTable 360°’s panel tackled in our July 2024 session.

This RoundTable explored the challenges creatives have getting their work out there, recognized, appreciated, and finally paid for!

Probably the greatest challenge for creatives across disciplines is growing an audience large enough for the creative to support their work as their primary gig. Most creatives – even bestselling creatives and regardless of discipline – have one if not several other jobs to pay the bills.

Yet strangely, few creatives describe themselves as “baristas” or “teachers” or “janitors” or “Uber drivers” when asked what they do. In their minds, their primary job is artist or author or painter or actor or dancer.

RoundTable 60°’s July 2024 session delved into the paths creatives journey while waiting to “make it big.”

This discussion was led by yours truly.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°s? Reserve your space on Eventbrite.
Want to be on our panel and/or lead a discussion? Let me know here.

RoundTable 360° June 2024 – Creating Characters

From idea to paper (or word) to performance, how do we bring characters to life?

That’s the question RoundTable 360°’s panel tackled in our June 2024 session.

This RoundTable explored the intricacies of character development across different creative mediums and uncovered effective strategies for creating characters that resonate deeply with audiences.

In storytelling and performing arts, characters serve as the heart and soul of narratives. Whether on the pages of a novel or portrayed on stage or screen, well-developed characters have the power to captivate and evoke profound emotional responses from audiences.

RoundTable 60°’s June 2024 session delved into how writers and performers breathe life into their characters, making them compelling, multidimensional, memorable, and inspiring.

This discussion was led by noted EU actress, model, and voice talent Sabine Rossbach.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°s? Reserve your space on Eventbrite.
Want to be on our panel and/or lead a discussion? Let me know here.


RoundTable 360° May 2024 – Creative Blocks

Creative blocks.

Every creative’s been there…

…that dreaded feeling of hitting a wall, not knowing what to create next or even how to do it, wracking your brain for some kind of answer, direction, or inspiration.

You have to go after inspiration with a club. – Jack London

Creative blocks can be frustrating, but they are universal, and creatives have found various ways of dealing with them. In this RoundTable 360&deg: session, a panel of writers, artists, actors, and other creatives discussed the different ways creative blocks present themselves, strategies for working through them, and tips and tricks to keep your creativity flowing.

This episode was moderated by award-winning poet, publisher, and editor Clarabelle Miray Fields of Carmina Magazine.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°? Reserve your space at Eventbrite


April 2024 Newsletter

You said you weren’t going to do a newsletter, Joseph

You said you weren’t going to do a newsletter, Joseph

Yes, I did.

I’ve fulltime-authored since 2016 and rejected newslettering because no newslettering authors I talk with have any evidence their newsletters led to increased sales or other authorial opportunities.

Fortunately, I don’t expect this one to, either.

I post irregular announcements and both the open and clickthrough numbers hover around 90%.

Amazing, if you know about such things.

I’m hybridizing newslettering with my irregular announcements because I found a reason to do so; some of my friends have things worth announcing and, on the whole, about once a month should cover them.

So there you go and here it is.

April-May 2024 Announcements
Continue reading “April 2024 Newsletter”

Announcing RoundTable 360°

What makes creative people creative? What goes on in their minds that causes the ideas they put on the screen, in their books, their poems, their music, on a stage, in their songs, in a dance, on a canvas, …? Does the same blood pump through their veins as pumps through ours? What happened in their lives that causes them to express themselves the way they do? What drives their souls to shape worlds with their words, their brushes, their notes, their voices, their bodies, their steps?

Long ago and far away there were two TV shows which captivated me. One was Steve Allen’s Meeting of Minds. The other was Wim Kayzer’s A Glorious Accident. Sitting in the presence of people previously only known to me as names thrilled me. Listening to their discussion — not arguments, discussions! — of matters great and small enthralled me, and I’ve hungered for such a forum ever since.

Now that forum has a name and a place – RoundTable 360°. Each month a rotating panel of #actors, #writers, #dancers, #singers, #photographers, #mixed-media artists, … share, question, explore.
Come join us. Come grow with us and help us grow. Listen, learn, and share. We are all a Great Becoming.

Become with us.