My newest novel, The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception), is available

My newest novel, The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception), is available on Kindle and in print.

The rest of this email contains The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) early reader comments (which are front matter in the book) and a blurb.

“This masterpiece delves into the intricate interplay between trauma, healing, and perception. Through a series of poignant narratives, the Joseph invites readers to contemplate the profound ways in which our experiences shape how we see the world and ourselves.” – Dennis J. Pitocco, Chief Reimaginator, 360° Nation

“I genuinely enjoyed the way Joseph brought the characters to life and the depth of the storyline. Clearly he’s created something unique.” – Ipek Williamson, Transformation Coach, Speaker, Meditation Coach, Author

“Joseph Carrabis is a gifted writer who draws the reader into deep contemplation and self-reflection with each turn of a page, all the while skillfully weaving a story that grabs your attention and holds on till the end.” – Othneil Archer, RBN, Sensitivity Reader

How many heartbeats does it take to change the world?

Ben Matthews is a mathematical linguist studying spontaneous languages at Columbia University in New York City. Recently home from committing himself to a northern New Hampshire psychiatric center, he spends a relaxing late-May day bonding with his son, Jiminy, at South Street Seaport.
They’re watching a juggler when the East River to Brooklyn and beyond becomes a white sand desert. A sirocco wind raises waves and whips ice cream wrappers, crumpled napkins, visitor guides, ticket stubs, and other ground level trash intown.
Three creatures, their images shimmering in the heat like a mirage, walk across the sand towards The Battery and TriBeCa South. Ben is knocked down and loses track of Jiminy as people race to safety.
The desert fades away, the sirocco recedes, and the three creatures walk up to Ben. The one in front says, “We are Healers from the Land of Barass.” It points to the one on its right. “He is Cetaf, who cries for his own pain.” It turns to the one on its left. “This is Jenreel, who tends to his own needs. I am Beriah. I will tell you how I feel.”

The creature offers Ben its hand. “We are Healers from the Land of Barass.”
All Ben can think of to say is “I’ve lost my little boy.”
Beriah helps him up. “Then you must find him.”

Ben, aided by The Healers from the Land of Barass, embarks on a quest through Manhattan and learns he’s lost much more than his son, and finds much more in himself.

The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) – Chapter 13 – “Moon Over Manhattan”

The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) – Chapter 13 – “Moon Over Manhattan”

It is night. A full moon rises over Manhattan. It casts the skyscrapers in silhouettes such that I expect to hear Ralph and Alice and Norton and Trixie. Behind us is the North River. Across that, New Jersey. We are watching the city slide under Umbra from the docking beds between Bloomfield and Gansevoor streets. I think of all the women in my life and ache for Medea or perhaps some androgynous Morpheus to hold me.

Beriah’s eyes look straight up. He doesn’t need to tilt his head back or lean backwards. “You seldom see the stars here.”

Cetaf does tilt his head back. It’s like watching the top floor of a skyscraper about to fall. “Is it like this everywhere on your world, Ben?”

“No. There are places where you can see all the stars in the sky, I’m told. In the high mountains and in the deserts. Middle of the ocean. At the poles. Some islands, no doubt. I saw lots more up in the woods. They’re tough to see here because of the lights and the buildings.”

Jenreel stares at me, not at the sky. “Are you sure they’re there?”

I wonder if some quiz is coming. “Well, yeah. Pretty sure. I mean, I can’t see them, but I saw them once. Lots more when I was a kid, so I believe they’re there.”

He reaches over his head and stretches. I hear things pop and crack in his arms and back as if some galactic chiropractor is at work in him.

I glance at Cetaf and Beriah. “Is he okay?”

Cetaf looks at Jenreel for a moment as if checking his alignment. “Jenreel, are you okay?”

Jenreel’s arms come down. “I’m fine. I appreciate your concern.” He looks at the sky then at me. “It must be difficult to know where you are and what you are if you can’t see the stars. You could look to the oceans, but they wouldn’t tell.”

I point down. “But we’re here.” I wave my arms around us. “In New York,” I point west, “just east of New Jersey.” I stamp my foot. “Planet Earth.” Tap the pavement. “North America. Terra.” I point to where the sun will rise in the morning. “Sol.” I want to add, “You know all that” but realize I’m not really sure anymore. Especially about that last part. Or any of it, really.

I mean, I’m wandering Manhattan with three creatures who walked in over a non-existent desert, right?

We went over all this before, didn’t we?

Or aren’t you paying attention?

Jenreel shakes his head and shrugs. “You find your place by finding what is around you.”

“Of course. How do you do it?”

“By remembering I am the center of the process. By believing I’m the most important part of the process.”

Previous entries in The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) series

The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) “Chapter 19 – Home Runs” now available on BizCatalyst 360°

BizCatalyst 360°’ Chief Imagineer and Founder Dennis Pitocco wrote a beautiful forward to my The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception), and also offered to share some chapters (selected by my first readers) on the BizCatalyst 360° site.

First up is Chapter 19 – Home Runs.


A Twelfth of Carrabis (November 2024 Newsletter)

November marks the return of my Brother Orion and his dog’s slow march across the northern night skies. I go out late in the evenings and greet him, ask him to tell me tales of where he traveled and what he’s seen while away. Often he invites me to journey with him and we travel to places humans will not know of until after the sun grows cold.
It is a raw, rainy, autumn day as I pen this. I should write “…as I type this.” and the gray in my hair forbids it. My professional (ie, paid) writing career started with a typewriter, my non-professional with pencil and pen in spiral-bound notebooks (still have them). For a brief period I composed on a remote terminal over a 300baud modem via phone line to my university’s mainframe.
Young people scratch their heads and frown with confusion when I use such words: “Typewriter?” “Remote what?” “300baud?” “What’s a modem?” “What’s a mainframe?” “What’s a phone line?”
I also know my long time editor, Jen “The Editress” Day, will see the colon in the above and wince. I’ve yet to master the proper use of the dash (em and otherwise), the colon, and semi-colon. I understand their use and purpose, and Jen tells me she can tell when I’m crafting because I type so quickly punctuation goes out the window (swiftly accompanied by spelling). Fortunately, after ~20years, she knows the rhythms I invoke with language and punctuation and manages to make me look good.
I recommend her to any who need a top level editor. (PS any errors and tyops you find here are on me, not her)
“A Twelfth of Carrabis” is getting good feedback from readers. Thankee! It means a lot.
Last item before we get down to it; I’m thinking of redoing my website based on some conferences and classes I took this month. Any suggestions? What would you change if it was your website?

November-December 2024 Announcements
Continue reading “A Twelfth of Carrabis (November 2024 Newsletter)”

The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) – Chapter 12 – “Praying”

The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) – Chapter 12 – “Praying”

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before:

A man is caught in a flood. At first the water’s up to his ankles. A car drives by and the driver says, “Get in, I’m driving up into the mountains.”
The man says, “No, I’ll pray and God will take care of me.”
Soon the water is up to his hips. A man in a boat comes by, says, “Get in.”
The man in the water says, “No, I’ll pray and God will take care of me.”
Soon the man is sitting on the roof of his house and the water is still rising. A helicopter comes by and the pilot lowers a ladder. “Get in, I’ll fly you out of here.”
The man hollers back, “No thanks. I’ll pray and God will take care of me.”
The man drowns and goes to heaven. He meets God and says, “What happened? I prayed and you still let me drown.”
God says, “Hey, I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter. What more am I suppose to do?”

Sounds of the city. Manhattan is never silent. Most places fall silent 3 to 5AM, not Manhattan. The city seems to sigh only once a week, early Sunday morning, from 4:45 to 5, maybe 5:15AM. It is then you hear it catch its breath, relax, wipe its brow and shake off its sweat, sit back and inventory itself before the next week’s business begins.

There are always the sounds of subways, elevated trains, cars, trucks, busses, bridges cracking with the cold, exploding with the heat, swaying with the strains of tons of travel over them.

And people. There are sounds of people, ten-thousands of them, everywhere all the time and without exception. Buildings pulse with the life within them, elevators climb up and down like hearts pumping in some sixty story life form.

A west-blowing breeze dampens us with a 4:52AM, Sunday morning slickness. It rises like a dragon’s mane on the mists coming in from the East River as we walk down Peter Cooper Road. The sunrise is glorious. The city almost smells sweet and clean, smells I’ve never noticed before.

A Federal Express truck stops in front of us. “You Ben Matthews?” the driver asks me.


“Sign this, please?”

“What is it?”

“I just deliver ’em, friend.”

I want to ask, “You guys normally deliver this early? On a Sunday, no less?”

It’s a letter from the Indiana Church of the Triple Saviors. “We’re being asked to go to Indiana to teach them how to pray.”

Jenreel frowns. “Pray?”

“Yes, to a god or gods, maybe. You know, to ask for something from some being greater than yourself.”

Cetaf look from Jenreel to the letter to me. “We can’t teach what we don’t know how to do.”

Jenreel joins Cetaf’s perusal of the letter. “The truest way to discover your own ignorance is to teach it to others.”

Frog Lips joins our inspection. “Only those who don’t realize their own ignorance attempt to teach what they themselves don’t know.”

“They’ve offered to pay. Pay for the trip, pay for our lodging, even says they’ll put something in our pockets.” What I really want to know is when did they learn to read? But I don’t ask because the answer will be obvious and I’ll feel like an idiot for asking.

Jenreel taps his robe. “We don’t have any pockets.”

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Previous entries in The Book of the Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) series