The Chuckster

He’s been here longer than we have, we thinks.

It’s been a while since I wrote about our backyard residents. They’ve been around, I’ve been busy.

Hecate, last year’s racoon mother, is showing up once again, daily. We know she has kits, she’s not deigned to share them with us yet. No pics yet.

Her three surviving kits from last year, Sheldon, Veronica and Porgy, come by nightly and wait for me. It’s interesting to recognize that racoon memory spans years, like ours, and that they remember me from one season to the next, through their winter nocturnes, and associate me with…goodness? Food, definitely, and easy to get food at that.
Continue reading “The Chuckster”

Two Toms a’ Struttin’

“I like big breasts.” “Not me, I’m a leg man.”

I mentioned that we hadn’t seen Bill, our resident Tom, for a while in It’s a Good Thing.

We figured something wildlife-ish had happened to Bill. The Girls were around – all 21 of them! – and Bill, alas…no Bill for about a week.

Today, as Boo (our rescue Bassador) and I returned from our walk, I saw a herd (I know, the proper term is flock and these were moving like a herd. I’m an author. Live with it) of Turkeys heading into our backyard.

This didn’t surprise me. Our Turkeys have become the guardians of my writing. For reasons beyond my comprehension (but I’m sure I’ll discover because I’m starting a new story, A Raccoon’s Tale, that involves Three Turkeys playing Macbeth’s witches. Again, I’m an author. I’ve learned to live with it), they show up when I’m writing and leave when I’m finished. As I write off and on all day, it gets quite busy.
Continue reading “Two Toms a’ Struttin’”

It’s a Good Thing

Anybody want a cookie? How about a peanut?

It’s been a while since I wrote about our backyard guests.

Not for lack of guests.

Euste and Vasch are regulars, as are Agnes, Francesca and The Girls. Ophelia and Oaps are constant visitors. Haven’t seen Bill in a while. More hens, less Toms. They probably like it that way. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention The Coyotes. Such a delight, under the full moon’s light, they.

A few nights back, long before the recent Nor’Easter, the Kids and Mom came back, aka Hecate, Sheldon, Veronica and Porgy.

Porgy came up and asked if I wanted him to take my picture.

Mighty neighborly, don’t you think?

He settled for a cookie and some peanuts.

It’s a good thing.

My Dinner with Opie

Ah, dining under the stars with The Old Ones

We continue our parade of The Old Ones. Bill and The Girls continue their daily visits. They usually wake us about 7-7:30AM if we aren’t awake by then, clucking and clacking in the backyard, promenading to and fro, letting us know there’s no seed available.

The Flock

They’ve taught us well.

But this post is about my dinner with Opie (extra points to anyone who knows the homage) and more correctly, a gathering of The Old Ones for dinner.
Continue reading “My Dinner with Opie”