Limiting Beliefs now on SubStack

What, you didn’t know I had a Substack?

Well neener neener on you, I do.


Been doing it for a while, been keeping it quiet because I substack rarely.

Only when I have a thought I doubt fits in here.

Give it a look, let me know what you think.

And thanks.

Beware the Soul Killers now on BizCatalyst 360°

A while back a friend reached out to me so down, so bottomed out, and so unwilling to talk about it I simply sat with him while he worked things out in his own mind.

Being willing to sit with someone without talking while knowing they’re going a million miles a minute is a powerful tool and often a gift to them.

Sometimes people get wounded and need a place of quiet comfort to rest. Resting with someone who’ll offer patient love – the ability to let them know you’re there and available while simultaneously giving them space to do what they need to do – can be the greatest healing agent around.

Eventually, my friend opened up. Someone had been verbally cruel, abrupt, antagonistic, and completely without cause (note I only have my friend’s views on this). The result was a wounding, a lessening, a soul killing.

Provided my friend’s recounting was accurate, yes, the purpose of the other person’s words was to be antagonistic, even threatening. There was no attempt at discussion, at understanding, only a desire to invoke pain.

I have no idea why people feel a need to be that way. I know everyone has a lot going on in their lives, and there’s no need to dump your trauma on someone else.

So I penned Beware the Soul Killers for my friend. Perhaps you’ll also find it useful.

Four More Books Accepted into Library of Congress

I am thrilled and honored to have four more of my books selected by the Library of Congress, accepted into General Collections, and assigned Library of Congress Control Numbers:

Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires
LOCCN 2023448306

The Augmented Man
LOCCN 2023448307

The Inheritors
LOCCN 2023448305

Get 20% off Empty Sky or Tales Told 'Round Celestial Campfires
Empty Sky
LOCCN 2023448304

Rob and Joan Carter’s MEET THE AUTHOR interview Snippet 7 – That Th!nk You Do

I mentioned Rob and John Carter and I chatting on their MEET THE AUTHOR show in previous blog posts.

This is post #7 in a series of thirteen snippets taken from the full interview video. You can also listen to the interview via podcast

Today’s snippet deals with my most recent non-fiction title, That Th!nk You Do. You can probably find it under self-help, personal growth, personal transformation, how to make vanilla icecream, and…

Okay, maybe not that last one (I’m saving it for Volume 2)



That Th!nk You Do Accepted into the Library of Congress Collection!

Sometimes your hard work pays off.

For me it happened when I received the following:

We are happy to inform you that
That Th!nk You Do: 60 Ways to Be Happy, Healthy&Hold off Harm
was selected for addition to the Library’s General Collections and was assigned Library of Congress control number: 2022362717.

Jennifer Baum
Head, U.S. Special Acquisitions Section

I’d get a copy before all of Congress holds debates on it.