“The Walking Meditation” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered The Solitaire Meditation on BizCatalyst360 and this week my The Walking Meditation, the next in a series on making one’s life and others’ lives better, is shared

In this case, a short piece about appreciating paying attention to the obvious and learning by doing so.


“The Solitaire Meditation” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered Eliana’s GiveAway on BizCatalyst360 and this week those kind and gracious folks are sharing my The Solitaire Meditation, the next in a series on making one’s life and others’ lives better.

In this case, a short piece about appreciating what’s around you, about giving yourself a moment to acknowledge what’s around you.


“Eliana’s GiveAway” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered Living with Intention (Intention: Part 2) on BizCatalyst360 and this week those kind and gracious folks are sharing my Eliana’s GiveAway, the next in a series on making one’s life and others’ lives better.

In this case, a short piece about helping someone discover their own power to heal.


Zina-Vivianne Walker on That Th!nk You Do

A book that will draw you in and make you think.

It’s published!

That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!

I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book and am posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself).

Today’s blurb is the last in this series and is courtesy Holistic Trauma & Mental Wellness Coach Zina-Vivianne Walker.

A book that will draw you in and make you think.


What can I say? A book that will draw you in and make you think.
To me, that is ideal.
Raw writing is the best. Writing that makes one pause….writing that makes you tilt your head and question. The best!!!

Thank you, Zina-Vivianne!

You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.

Gail @GailMcDonald19 McDonald on That Th!nk You Do

A multifaceted and all-encompassing masterpiece for humanity.

It’s published!

That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!

I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book and am posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself).

Today’s blurb is courtesy Gail McDonald, co-host with Susan Sneath of The Change Zone. You can also follow Gail on Twitter.

Joseph’s masterpiece connects science, data, and research with the practicality (and yes complexity) with our everyday lives and how we can begin to better understand what makes us tick (as opposed to being a ticking time bomb!) And all of this is delivered with a strategically delivered sense of humour!


I’m feeling challenged to put into words what That Th!nk You Do offered to my soul.
I did begin with this comment initially, so I’ll start here.
“Altruistic – written with a blend of personal stories, researched facts and a delightful mix of paradoxical phrases.”
The appeal for me personally was how the well laid out information flowed. Each piece masterfully woven with the piece before and the piece after. It catered to my insatiable curiosity on how the mind works and why it works the way it works.
I savoured the “time slice” piece – paying attention to how the brain optimally works. How to successfully serial task (new to me) and give myself permission to prioritize tasks as I see fit and being ok with not overfocusing (and then losing focus.) I no longer see it necessary to finish one thing before going on to another and understanding I can still be productive (and more so.) I allow myself to listen to my energy level and what needs to be prioritized, when and why.
Joseph’s explanation of psychoacoustics and archeopsychology were fascinating and to learn the “why” they are beneficial were even more so. As he states “every strength is a weakness and every weakness a strength” offers much to self reflect upon.
The chapter on “compensation guilt” strongly resonated with me and again, gave me cause to self reflect. (I didn’t realize compensation guilt was a thing.)
Joseph’s masterpiece connects science, data, and research with the practicality (and yes complexity) with our everyday lives and how we can begin to better understand what makes us tick (as opposed to being a ticking time bomb!) And all of this is delivered with a strategically delivered sense of humour!
I feel joyfully challenged by Joseph’s masterful subtleness to look deeper with clarity at my own habits and am grateful he has provided tools to support the process.
The “principles” at the end are a great compliment to a very practical, provocative, and sometimes edgy work of art. My favorite (or one of my favorites) – “Technology Is not how we make and keep relationships. We make and keep relationships because of who we are, not what tools we use to keep in touch.” To me, that is a game changer.

In summary – A multifaceted and all-encompassing masterpiece for humanity. Thank you, Joseph Carrabis, for the contribution to the betterment of all humankind!

Thank you, Gail!

You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.