
Proving that technology is not my friend, I managed to photograph thisss charming sssir one afternoon.

I mention technology not being my friend becaussse I usssed my phone.

And thought it wasss ssset to video.

Who knew you had an option?

Hhhalesssandro didn’t ssseem to mind, though. We had a wonderful chat about all the fine tassstiesss in our lawn and hisss ssshedding.


Hisss lawn.



And then, I found the correct sssetting.

Yeah, I can handle that.


Brother Joe Della Rosa Says Goodbye to Some Friends

Brother Joe moved…oh, two-thirds?…of the way across the country a while back. While he was packing up and moving out, some friends came by to wish him well, hope he succeeds in whatever he does, and above all, enjoys life as it comes to him.

He wrote “Also, as I was cleaning out the garage of the old house, these two little guys (a shedding blue tailed skink and the largest earth snake I’ve ever seen) came to say goodbye. Thought it would make for an interesting nature post. Enjoy! Talk to you soon.”

It does, me thinks, and thanks, Brother Joe.

Hope all is well where’ere your journey leads.


Brother Joe Della Rosa and the Worm Snake

Sounds like it should be the title of a story, doesn’t it? Brother Joe Della Rosa and the Worm Snake.

It’s either a heroic epic, a children’s story, or horror.

But it’s none of the above.

Brother Joe Della Rosa shared some pictures of his meeting a worm snake when he was out walking with his children.




He and they often encounter The Wild that way.

Fantastic teaching opportunity, don’t you think?

To share one’s love and respect for The Old Ones through the generations. To show them your sense of awe and mystery.

Makes me wish I…no, I’m too old to have kids. I do share my feelings for The Wild and The Old Ones in my writing, though.

Perhaps you’ve noticed.

I’ve mentioned previously my preference for Nature over my own species.

Sure, there are a few of my species whose company I enjoy.

A few.

Ornery, ain’t I?