What Would It Be Like To… now on BizCatalyst 360°

Sometime towards the end of December 2024, I talked privately with 360° Nation’s Founder and Chief Reimaginator Dennis Pitocco and explained my participation in group meetings would be spotty, iffy, at best moving forward.

My reason is simple; the meetings weren’t filling any of my needs. This is indigenous to me and I’m not claiming such is the case for anyone else.

Dennis asked what kind of meetings would fill my needs and I provided an overview. The types of meetings I enjoy and attend are something I’ve spent lots of time wondering about, and I shared what I could.

Dennis invited me to write something about what I wanted in a meeting for posting on the BizCatalyst 360° site.

What I came up with is What Would It Be Like To…, which is now available for your reading pleasure.

And be sure to comment.

My “War Crimes” now in Panoply

War Crimes is a flash piece which grew out of my research into clashing cultures.

The sad part is the story is based on real events of the 20th century.

A friend recently told me about England’s “grooming gangs” and, in my ignorance, I wondered if he meant roving beauticians doing random makeovers in the street.

What I’ve learned is that we, as a species, haven’t evolved.

Or, if we have, we need to stop the process because what we’re evolving into will probably mark our demise as a species.

My “Three Attempts to Get Wet” in Wilderness House Journal

Sometimes you just have to have fun.

And I did with this A Swim in a Pond in the Rain review because I needed to reward myself after spending a year+ reading this book.

Steve Glines, EIC at Wilderness House, told me he laughed out loud reading my review, and it reminded him why he stopped reading The Russians in his twenties.


A Twelfth of Carrabis (Dec 2024 Newsletter)

(we’re doing something different. let me know what you think)

It is December and soon we will celebrate another turn around the sun. We are never alone on this journey, and I wonder how many appreciate we circle the sun, our sun circles the near clusters, the near clusters move through a great arm of the Milky Way, the Milky Way travels with it’s galactic neighbors in a near-eternity long dance, and the universe itself expands and we move on an arrow’s trajectory with it.

Taking all the accelerations, all the motions, all the movements into account humbles me. Philosophies range from a single Great Creator to the randomness of quantum strings, and I add the caveats that if there is a single Great Creator, their mathematical skills are amazing, and if quantum strings, go deeply enough in the quantum universe and there is no such thing as randomness.

Read further in this newsletter and you’ll notice some different formatting. Many thanks to Sister Rika Chandra‘s help and guidance (I’m not visual, she is) in making “A Twelfth of Carrabis” more readable and (we hope) more engaging.

I mentioned last month I’m thinking of redoing my website. The redo is ongoing albeit slowly as some changes require a bit of coding (blech!).

December 2024 Announcements

Continue reading “A Twelfth of Carrabis (Dec 2024 Newsletter)”

The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception) Chapter 49 – Hormone-Free Dancing In Harlem now available on BizCatalyst 360

BizCatalyst 360°’ Chief Imagineer and Founder Dennis Pitocco wrote a beautiful forward to my The Book of The Wounded Healers (A Study in Perception), and also offered to share some chapters (selected by my first readers) on the BizCatalyst 360° site.

Today’s offering is Chapter 49 – Hormone-Free Dancing In Harlem.
