My Medieval Mystery Tag – The First Verduan and Patreo Mystery is Available for Pre-Order until 15 July for 99&cent Kindle, $12.99 Print;

Eric and Julia seek tree grafts on the outskirts of their medieval eastern European village as a summer storm gathers.  Sullya, a witch hiding among the trees, grabs Julia. Eric swings his axe and severs Sullya’s hand from her arm. The witch seeks refuge in the deep bole of an old oak. Her hand falls onto the same oak and crawls up the trunk to join her.

Eric wants to flee but Julia, believing they’re safe thanks to the now heavy rain, torments the witch. Sullya curses them, their families, their crops, their livestock, and their village. 

Soon crops wilt, livestock die, and much of village falls ill. The village priest, Father Baillot, seems ignorant of church ways and proves ineffective against the curse. 

The village elders seek help elsewhere, specifically from a distant priest, Father Patreo, who knows the Old Ways as well as the New. Patreo is out of favor with the Church because he makes no effort to hide his belief that progress comes from exploring all paths, not just those the Church decrees acceptable.

He and Verduan, one of the village elders, investigate and encounter witchcraft, devil worship, murder, a coup d’etat, and the clashing of three great cultures. What they discover changes the face of Eastern Europe forever.

Reader Comments:
Carrabis writes another Hero’s Journey, this time with a faithful dog, a blind bear, and a deformed, mute child.

Riveting and captivating!

Carrabis’ sense of humor shines throughout. You can almost see him dropping breadcrumbs for the reader to follow. He’s playing a game of tag with the reader and is a master of the game.

Carrabis weaves another multi-character tapestry with interesting plot lines and dialogue you can hear.

Carrabis brings the Middle Ages to life.

Imagine your favorite professor telling you insider stories from Medieval Europe. That’s Carrabis’ Tag.

I want to ask Carrabis if he time-travels. Tag reads like an episode of “You Are There.” It’s more like something you’re living through than reading in a book.

I saw everything, I tasted the bread, I drank the ale, I worked the fields, I heard the bells, I tasted the mustard. Incredible!

Tag‘s Verduan and Patreo are the Middle Ages’ Holmes and Watson. Cadfael watch out!

My “The Bone and The Bear” now on Tall Tale TV

I love it when a favorite piece gets published.

The Bone and The Bear took a while to find a home, and find a home it did.

Note to authors and writers – to all creatives for matter – keep at it. Sometimes it’s exhausting finding the right one – in love, in life, in publication – and there’s always one out there.

You can hear The Bone and The Bear on any of YouTube, Facebook, on the Tall Tale TV website, and as an MP3 podcast.

Chris Herron, publisher of Tall Tale TV, thinks so highly of my work he even created a YouTube playlist of my stories he’s published.

Nice to be honored like that, isn’t it?

You can also listen to it here (again thanks to Chris Herron):


Beware the Soul Killers now on BizCatalyst 360°

A while back a friend reached out to me so down, so bottomed out, and so unwilling to talk about it I simply sat with him while he worked things out in his own mind.

Being willing to sit with someone without talking while knowing they’re going a million miles a minute is a powerful tool and often a gift to them.

Sometimes people get wounded and need a place of quiet comfort to rest. Resting with someone who’ll offer patient love – the ability to let them know you’re there and available while simultaneously giving them space to do what they need to do – can be the greatest healing agent around.

Eventually, my friend opened up. Someone had been verbally cruel, abrupt, antagonistic, and completely without cause (note I only have my friend’s views on this). The result was a wounding, a lessening, a soul killing.

Provided my friend’s recounting was accurate, yes, the purpose of the other person’s words was to be antagonistic, even threatening. There was no attempt at discussion, at understanding, only a desire to invoke pain.

I have no idea why people feel a need to be that way. I know everyone has a lot going on in their lives, and there’s no need to dump your trauma on someone else.

So I penned Beware the Soul Killers for my friend. Perhaps you’ll also find it useful.

Lighthouse now in Carmina

As always, I’m thrilled my work is honored, appreciated, and published.

My tone poem, Lighthouse, appears in the March 2024 issue of Carmina.

There is a great joy when my poetry is published because I in no way consider myself a poet even though I love the form and have studied it often. My first published poem was back in the mid-late 1980s, an ode to Susan (wife/partner/Princess) when we were having some difficulties.

I’ll have to dig it out and see if anyone’s interested in publishing it.

Regarding Lighthouse, it came to me over several days and I wondered what it was about because I wrote it disjointedly and pretty much line by line; a line here, a line there, and often hours or days between scribblings.

In any case, hope you enjoy.