What Would It Be Like To… now on BizCatalyst 360°

Sometime towards the end of December 2024, I talked privately with 360° Nation’s Founder and Chief Reimaginator Dennis Pitocco and explained my participation in group meetings would be spotty, iffy, at best moving forward.

My reason is simple; the meetings weren’t filling any of my needs. This is indigenous to me and I’m not claiming such is the case for anyone else.

Dennis asked what kind of meetings would fill my needs and I provided an overview. The types of meetings I enjoy and attend are something I’ve spent lots of time wondering about, and I shared what I could.

Dennis invited me to write something about what I wanted in a meeting for posting on the BizCatalyst 360° site.

What I came up with is What Would It Be Like To…, which is now available for your reading pleasure.

And be sure to comment.

WordCrafter Press’ Kaye Lynne Booth and I chat about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Good Protagonists on Writing to Be Read’s Chatting with the Pros

It’s flattering when people take an interest.

A good, healthy, interest, of course…

Which leads to macabre, horrific stories.

Kaye Lynne Booth share how I first came to her attention and all that transpired since on her Chatting with the Pros “Writing to Be Read” blog.

Give it a read and let us know what you think.

An Experiment in Writing – Part 1

Been talking to lots of people about ways to share my knowledge and experience.

The first problem is, lots of people are of the opinion I have lots of knowledge and experience.

I’m hoping this experiment – a series of videos about writing which I’ll post every Wednesday or so…if it even becomes a series and if I see another Wednesday – will help them change their opinion.

Originally I called these “Writing 101 SnEm” (SnEm == series and episode number) and decided that both ambitious and haugty.

Ambitious I’ll cop to. Haughty? You decide.

Here’s An Experiment in Writing – Part 1. Enjoy.

Pick up a copy of Empty Sky, one of the books I’ll be referencing in this series (should you not already have one (shame on you!)) and want to follow along.

UNSHELTERED-None of Us Are Home Until All of Us Are Home

My non-fiction piece, “The Difference” appears in a monumental, breakthrough (my opinions, these, and not because I have a piece in the book) anthology UNSHELTERED-None of Us Are Home Until All of Us Are Home.

Speaking for myself, adding my contribution – even offering to do so – proved a great challenge, almost too great. I recounted one of the most difficult and painful periods of my life. I’ve always written based on my experiences, and always behind the mask of characters in some story or novel, never directly stating “This is me.”

Many deep thanks to Dennis Pitocco and Peggy Willms for accepting my contribution and publicly validating this period in my life.

The healing continues, for myself and I hope for others.
