Terry Lohrbeer Interviews Me on Kickass Boomers!

Yes, I’m a Boomer.

I’d like to think of myself as more of a Budda-Boom than a straight Boom and, at my age, I’ll take what I can get.

In any case, Terry and I had a great time and covered lots of my history, writing, creating, and letting people know life begins when you want it to, not because somebody tells you it should.

Listen on Terry’s Kickass Boomers site.


Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance – Snippet 2 “Real Life is Convoluted”

I recently had the good fortune to be interviewed by Betsy Wurzel, host of Chatting with Betsy, and you’ll be shocked to learn we talked about Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance.

Okay, we pretty much talked about my latest novel, Search, with some brief forays into my other works.

Today’s snippet deals with how honoring the convolutions of real life in one’s work.



Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance – Snippet 1 “What made you write this book?”

I recently had the good fortune to be interviewed by Betsy Wurzel, host of Chatting with Betsy, and you’ll be shocked to learn we talked about Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance.

Okay, we pretty much talked about my latest novel, Search, with some brief forays into my other works.

Today’s snippet deals with how Search came about (it was an outgrowth of The Shaman



Announcing RoundTable 360°

What makes creative people creative? What goes on in their minds that causes the ideas they put on the screen, in their books, their poems, their music, on a stage, in their songs, in a dance, on a canvas, …? Does the same blood pump through their veins as pumps through ours? What happened in their lives that causes them to express themselves the way they do? What drives their souls to shape worlds with their words, their brushes, their notes, their voices, their bodies, their steps?

Long ago and far away there were two TV shows which captivated me. One was Steve Allen’s Meeting of Minds. The other was Wim Kayzer’s A Glorious Accident. Sitting in the presence of people previously only known to me as names thrilled me. Listening to their discussion — not arguments, discussions! — of matters great and small enthralled me, and I’ve hungered for such a forum ever since.

Now that forum has a name and a place – RoundTable 360°. Each month a rotating panel of #actors, #writers, #dancers, #singers, #photographers, #mixed-media artists, … share, question, explore.
Come join us. Come grow with us and help us grow. Listen, learn, and share. We are all a Great Becoming.

Become with us.

My Podbean “What The Book” talk with Dzintra Sullivan, Peyton Storm, Sean Frazier, et al was a riot

I got a chance to chat with Dzintra Sullivan, Peyton Storm, Sean Frazier, and a host of others over the past weekend. For me, lots of learning and laughing (a good combination). You’d have to ask the others what their take on it was.

You can listen to the episode on What the Book.

The What The Book worthies invited me to play a Family Feud style game at the end and name a romantic food. Thank god I was on Peyton’s team because evidently I don’t have much romance in me.

But just so you’ll know, my suggestion for a romantic food (okay, not really a food per se) was a breakfast of rose petals, mulled wine, strong coffee, and chocolate croissants in bed.

What do you think?




Whatever, listen and enjoy What the Book on Podbean.