The Complete Eventing Yourself Arc

Originally published in Feb 2007… I think as a cave drawing (it was so-o-o long ago!)

Note: This was originally a) a five part arc b) on the ancient BizMediaScience blog. We condensed it to a single entry on the second generation BizMediaScience blog and are resurrecting it here because it’s referenced in Writers’ Groups – Introduction

Eventing Yourself, Part 1

I enjoy Brad Berens’ Mediavorous blog because, well, he’s Brad Berens and Brad often makes me think and I enjoy that experience. Often Brad and I think about the same things from different paradigms. He recently posted “The Perils of the Pause Button”. That title may be misleading because what Brad’s really right about is eventness, “…seeing stories — films, plays, TV shows — with other people.” Brad has more than one post on this and they’re worth a read.
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