RoundTable 360° May 2024 – Creative Blocks

Creative blocks.

Every creative’s been there…

…that dreaded feeling of hitting a wall, not knowing what to create next or even how to do it, wracking your brain for some kind of answer, direction, or inspiration.

You have to go after inspiration with a club. – Jack London

Creative blocks can be frustrating, but they are universal, and creatives have found various ways of dealing with them. In this RoundTable 360&deg: session, a panel of writers, artists, actors, and other creatives discussed the different ways creative blocks present themselves, strategies for working through them, and tips and tricks to keep your creativity flowing.

This episode was moderated by award-winning poet, publisher, and editor Clarabelle Miray Fields of Carmina Magazine.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°? Reserve your space at Eventbrite


Fiction Editor, Wilderness House Literary Review

In a new and somewhat surprising development, I’ve become the Fiction Editor of the Wilderness House Literary Review.

Steve Glines, EIC, asked me to take on the role and I, of course, replied, “You’re kidding, right?”

I think Steve chose me based as much on the similarity of our ages and life-experiences as on our reading and writing preferences.

I’ve often wondered what makes an editor say yes to story A and no to story B.

Well, in my case, the wondering is over. At least as far as Wilderness House is concerned.

The View from This Side of the Desk
There’s a staff of first readers I work with and the final decisions are mine. I agree with their evaluations, usually. On some occasions I’ll ask the basis for their yay/nay/neutral decision, more to educate myself than question them.

Sometimes I’m completely lost why they rejected/accepted something. That’s when the real learning begins.

Mine, not theirs.

But for anyone wondering what I’ll accept above and beyond all else?

Continue reading “Fiction Editor, Wilderness House Literary Review”

Cozy Author Donna Huston Murray and I Have a Lively Discussion (Part 2)

[[Cozy Author Donna Huston Murray and I Have a Lively Discussion (Part 2)]]
Well, we’re at it again.

As I wrote in Cozy Author Donna Huston Murray and I Have a Lively Discussion (Part 1), I long ago interviewed Donna and we remained friends ever since. Donna helped me with some troublesome characters, plotting, and some marketing, and I sent her flowers and chocolate.

Okay, not really but I wanted to.

We stayed in touch and recently came up with an idea for an non-interview; just sitting and talking with each other. Minimal selling, lots of sharing.

Part 1 is linked to above.

This time out we discuss

  • Plotting v Pantsing
  • Method
  • Winning awards – being a bridesmaid
  • being insecure
  • playing pro football
  • Making sure you have extra rolls of film for your camera
  • How to get awards and their value as an author
  • Scam Awards
  • The SIEVE writing method
  • the value of constantly learning and studying
  • Writers’ Block
  • Listening to yourself
  • Using (and not using) visual description
  • Why readers skim lengthy descriptions/exposition/narration
  • The power of present-tense fillers
  • Getting a character’s voice down/Getting your authorial voice down
  • Writing characters unlike you
  • The stupidity of agents
  • and Characters with exploitable weaknesses


By the way, you can find Donna via her website, on Amazon, and lots of other nifty places.

Cozy Author Donna Huston Murray and I Have a Lively Discussion (Part I)

[[Cozy Author Donna Huston Murray and I Have a Lively Discussion (Part I)]]
Long ago I interviewed Donna Huston Murray and we remained friends ever since. Donna helped me with some troublesome characters, plotting, and some marketing, and I sent her flowers and chocolate.

Okay, not really but I wanted to.

We stayed in touch and recently came up with an idea for an non-interview; just sitting and talking with each other. Minimal selling, lots of sharing.

By the way, you can find her via her website, on Amazon, and lots of other nifty places.

StoryCrafting and StoryTelling

“Interesting” is subjective. What doesn’t interest some people may excite others. 🙂

I take part in book review groups – you review mine, I’ll review yours – and I let people know going in I’m a tough reviewer.

The reason I’m a tough reviewer is fairly simple: I review books based on an author’s storycrafting and storytelling skills, not a book or story’s genre.

…good writing is good writing is good writing.

I’ve reviewed romance, poetry, chicklit, adventure, MG, and early readers, along with sf/f/h, and regardless of genre good writing is good writing is good writing.

Likewise, sometimes a writer is incompetent and their work sucks.

Storytelling – does the author have an interesting story to tell? Storycrafting – does the author tell the story in an interesting way?

For me, it comes down to storycrafting and storytelling. Storytelling – does the author have an interesting story to tell? Storycrafting – does the author tell the story in an interesting way?

Someone can have an amazing story to tell and do it poorly, kind of like a college prof who’s expert in their field and boring as heck in the lecture hall. That’s good story to tell told poorly. The prof who isn’t expert in their field and keeps the students interested has craft but no story.

Then there’s Door #3 – The prof who is both expert in their field and keeps the students interested, enthused about the subject and wanting to know more has both crafting and telling down cold. This is where you want to be if you want to be (in my opinion) an author worth reading.

The statement “What’s interesting is subjective” is true to a point. But yell Fire! or Rape! or Gun! and you’ll get people’s attention because some things aren’t subjective. Get someone’s attention first, they’ll decide if what got their attention is interesting enough to keep their attention.

But the key is getting their attention first, and that is done through good to excellent storycrafting and storytelling skills (and if you’re wondering what gives me the right to talk about such things, take a look at my patents and/or read Reading Virtual Minds Volume I: Science and History).

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