To dine among friends. Even the Two-Legged kind.
Ah, Beryl. First mentioned in Hecate and The Munching Wallendas (and I’ll have to show you soon how they’ve grown) and then in his own post, Beryl the Rabbit, we have more of Beryl.
I would have posted about our resident WildLife sooner and I’ve been busy with a final rewrite of The Augmented Man before sending off to the publisher (it’s due out in 25 Jul 2019).
So it goes for us two-leggers. Commitments sometimes cramp our style.
Not so The Old Ones.
Definitely not so with Beryl (sorry, still no video of Berylia. We have seen Berylina and possibly Beryt, though).
Beryl, we’ve discovered, is quite the community organizer. Whenever and wherever Beryl dines, others gather for the conversation, the gossip, the fun, the laughter (at Two-Legs expense, no doubt), and the good times in general.
At first we thought Beryl was channeling Noah. All the others seem to appear in twos.
Didn’t last long though.
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