My third newsletter – June 2024

June-July 2024 Announcements

  • From idea to paper (or word) to performance, how do we bring characters to life? That’s the question we will be rolling with at our next RoundTable 360° online discussion. Come & join us on June 27th, 10:30amPT, 1:30pmET, 6:30pmLondonTime, 19h30 CEST.
    Our goal in this RoundTable discussion is to explore the intricacies of character development across different creative mediums and to uncover effective strategies for creating characters that resonate deeply with audiences.
    In storytelling and performing arts, characters serve as the heart and soul of narratives. Whether on the pages of a novel or portrayed on stage or screen, well-developed characters have the power to captivate and evoke profound emotional responses from audiences. We delve into how writers and performers breathe life into their characters, making them compelling, multidimensional, memorable, and inspiring.
    This discussion will be led by noted EU actress, model, and voice talent Sabine Rossbach. Reserve your space here.
    Want to be on our panel and/or lead a discussion? Let me know here.
  • Greg Hickey’s To Build A Dream is available on Amazon:

    He could be dead, dreaming, or painfully alive. Does he really want to find out which?
    Timothy Smit is sick. He’s stuck in middle management at a second-rate news aggregator when an intense coughing fit causes him to pass out at his desk. Tim wakes up in the ICU to a diagnosis of a rare and aggressive form of lung cancer and the news that he likely has no more than a few months left to live.
    Confined to a hospital bed with his health deteriorating, Tim finds himself immersed in a series of vivid dreams. As he becomes increasingly captivated by this enigmatic fantasy world, he realizes his dreams just might be keeping him alive.
    But can Tim discover a real life worth living before it’s too late?
    To Build a Dream is a mesmerizing psychological sci-fi novel that blurs the line between dreams and reality. If you like lone heroes fighting to survive, visionary quests, and a race against time, then you’ll love Greg Hickey’s enthralling dream world.

  • You can get a free taste of Greg’s work at The Theory of Anything
  • I’m hosting a writer’s month long workshop discussing many if not all phases of craft and storytelling. The next class runs Wednesdays, 3-31 July 2024. Sign up here.
  • My Medieval mystery, Tag, will be released on 15 July 2024 and is currently available for preorder:

    Eric and Julia seek tree grafts on the outskirts of their medieval eastern European village as a summer storm gathers. Sullya, a witch hiding among the trees, grabs Julia. Eric swings his axe and severs Sullya’s hand from her arm. The witch seeks refuge in the deep bole of an old oak. Her hand falls onto the same oak and crawls up the trunk to join her.
    Eric wants to flee but Julia, believing they’re safe, torments the witch. Sullya curses them, their families, their crops, their livestock, and their village.
    Soon crops wilt, livestock die, and much of village falls ill. The village priest, Father Baillot, seems ignorant of church ways and proves ineffective against the curse.
    The village elders seek help elsewhere, specifically from a distant priest, Father Patreo, who knows the Old Ways as well as the New. Patreo is out of favor with the Church because he makes no effort to hide his belief that progress comes from exploring all paths, not just those the Church decrees acceptable.
    He and Verduan, one of the village elders, investigate and encounter witchcraft, devil worship, murder, a coup d’etat, and the clashing of three great cultures. What they discover changes the face of Eastern Europe forever.

  • Last item – have an announcement you’d like my ~25k subscribers to know about? Comment with details and we’ll see about getting it in the next newsletter.

And that’s it for June.