Matron Aunt Gracie

It’s good to have backup

Hecate and her kits come out during daylight now. Fewer predators and a good supply of food, I’d guess.

This is not to suggest the children wander about unchaperoned.

Enter Matron Aunt Gracie.

You may remember Gracie. She’s appeared on her own and often with Hecate. They’re BFF, you know.

Gracie will fluff at first when Hecate’s tribe trundles out. They’re not delicate or subtle-footed, this brood.

Then she settles down. Remember toughguy Clyde (aka Brutus)? He’ll charge her. She’ll look down at him and spread her wings. He runs back to Hecate. She ignores him.

Sounds like my mother, my aunt, and me, come to think of it.


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