I am five months behind in posting videos. This video is from mid-November 2020. Covid raged for nine months officially, about a year unofficially.
We’ve never been social. Friendly, yes. Social, no.
Except with The Wild.
One can easily be social with The Wild. Live near it, you have no choice.
Friendly? That’s another issue.
We may like to believe Nature is friendly. People who believe such have never spent time in it. Deeply in it.
I enjoy Nature. Love it, is probably more accurate. I do what I can to protect it.
And I know Nature is the ultimate egalitarian. It favors no one. You might make a case for Nature favoring the strong but one must ask “How are we defining strength?”
Numerical superiority?
Big brains?
Big muscles?
Big teeth?
Or, in this case on this day, lots of beaks?