Children grow.
It is the nature of things.
Wonderful cliche, that, don’t you think? It is the nature of things? Alternately fatalistic and dismissive. An admixture of “that’s the way it happens” and “big deal.”
I don’t accept fatalism or dismissiveness.
I know they exist. I know other people have them as part of their raison d’etre.
I do not.
Celebrate while you can, that’s me. Live it up. Enjoy. Our moments are precious and few.
Rejoice in the continuation of life. It will not always be there for us to savor.
And in the meantime, our children grow.
My concern?
Who will care for The Wild behind our home when Susan and I pass.
For that matter and due to the construction on the other side of the wood, will there still be wildlife here when Susan and I pass.
I’m reminded of those last few scenes in Silent Running (a classic).
And for now, they ain’t tiny little raccoons no more.
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