Dennis Pitocco and BizCatalyst360 published The Stranger The Better, one of the chapters in my soon-to-be-released non-fiction The Th!nk You Do.
A fascinating piece of social research has made it to my desk. It deals with males’ success rate with females in typical mating situations.
To readers outside of social anthropology, this means “What can guys do to make sure girls notice them in bars, at clubs, in the mall, in the hall, in the cafeteria, at the dance, …?”
The research points out one of those things that’s obvious. So obvious, one might ask, “Somebody had to do research on this?”
Well, yes. Because when you think about it, it’s not what most guys do in typical mating situations and that’s probably why few males have the kind of success they want.The Trick Is…
Let me know what you think.