Dennis @bizcatalyst360 Pitocco on That Th!nk You Do

Without question, the right book at the right time…

It’s published!

That Th!nk You Do is available on Amazon! Yeeha!

I asked some folks if they’d mind reading an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and letting me know what they thought of the book.

This week I’ll be posting their comments (many of which appear as blurbs, comments, and endorsements in the book itself).

First up is Dennis Pitocco, Chief Reimaginator of the award winning 360° Nation. You can also follow Dennis on Twitter.

Without question, the right book at the right time…


Every so often, the word ’synchronicity’ comes into play when our daily routine is interrupted by an unforeseen, albeit beneficial intersection of ideas, people, or circumstances. And far too often, we don’t fully grasp the magnitude of such chance happenings. And so it goes as I encountered the unexpected pleasure of strolling through this book from cover to cover. Without question, the right book at the right time for so many who will look upon this as a mirror, reflecting many situations and circumstances resembling those we’ve encountered. Stories told with candor and an extraordinary level of honesty, along with advice which becomes the magic elixir we can all draw from as we continue to navigate that unpredictable journey called life.

Thank you, Dennis!

You can find That Th!nk You Do on Amazon and at other fine retailers.