My second newsletter – May 2024

You can read back issues of my newsletter here.

May-June 2024 Announcements

  • Our previous RoundTable 360s were fascinating with lively discussions between panelists and audience members.
    Our May RoundTable 360 topic is creative block, and every creative’s been there…that dreaded feeling of hitting a wall, not knowing what to create next or even how to do it, wracking your brain for some kind of answer, direction, or inspiration. (Jack London famously said “You have to go after [inspiration] with a club.”)
    Creative blocks can be frustrating, but they are universal, and creatives have found various ways of dealing with them. Come take part on Thursday, May 30 at 1:30 PM in the East, 10:30 AM in the west and 6:30 PM in London, and join a panel of writers, artists, actors, and other creatives discussing the different ways creative blocks can present themselves, strategies for working through them, and tips and tricks to keep your creativity flowing.
    This episode will be moderated by award-winning poet, publisher, and editor Clarabelle Miray Fields of Carmina Magazine. Reserve your space at Eventbrite.
    Our June RoundTable 360 will be led by noted EU actress, model, and voice talent Sabine Rossbach discussing creating realistic characters.
    Our July RoundTable 360 will be led by London based fantasy, horror, and scifi author Liz Tuckwell discussing rejection.
    Want to be on our panel and/or lead a discussion? Let me know here.
  • Ross Pickering seeks beta readers for his
    Raine Summers: The Lost Child of the Aether, Book One in the Raine Summers series novel. Anyone interested please contact Ross via Facebook.

  • For folks in or near Wales (wish I was there) – Arthurian Scholar Jeffrey Dixon’s putting on a photography exhibition of the late Llandrindod Wells artist Steve Harris. The exhibition is at Centre Celf and is open until 6 June 2024 from Tuesday-Thursday 10am-4pm and Saturdays 9am-12noon.
  • Jeffrey Dixon’s latest work, Encyclopedia of the Holy Grail is currently available from the publisher at a greatly reduced price. Arthurian scholars and readers take note!
  • Rika ChandraRika would love if you could fill in her 5-10 minute survey on family biographies as gifts.
  • I’m hosting a writer’s month long workshop discussing many if not all phases of craft and storytelling. The next class runs Wednesdays, 5-26 June 2024. Sign up here.
  • A movie star returns to her hometown and doesn’t live to regret it.
    Thriller author Donna Huston Murray’s new book, Farewell Performance (a Ginger Barnes Mystery), is available now on ebook and in print 4 June 2024. Pre-order is 99¢ You can also find it here.
  • Amy Olmedo writes “I am looking for a perspective of a mature woman who has overcome adversity and discovered her purpose” to review her new book. Amy says “This book captures a unique blend of spirituality, mythology, and personal experiences, blurring the lines between fiction and non-fiction. This intriguing fusion promises to take readers on a deeply personal yet universally relatable journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.”
    Interested people please contact Amy directly via email or 443-691-4830.

And that’s it for May.

Want to sign up for future emails and newsletters? Easy-peasy: join my blog. Most of it’s free and I’m told all of it’s fun.
