B&E Tales from the Pages Welcomes Chris Mason and Joseph Carrabis

I had the pleasure of chatting with Barbara Ehrentreu and Chris Mason recently.

Most of us have been inside of our houses way too long and maybe you are looking for something a little different to while away the hours. Come join my guests, Joseph Carrabis and Chris Mason and me on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 4pm Eastern time. We will be discussing the accomplishments of each of these unique authors. Joseph Carrabis is the author of over twenty-five books including a dozen novels. Chris Mason has a unique home and he is the author of many books and coloring books. This should be a very interesting and unusual show. As always there may be some surprise guests. If you have listened to past shows you know anything can happen!

Listen to the entire episode and let us know what you think.

What’s your social networking philosophy, Joseph?


Not sure I have one. But now you’ve made me think of it, here goes…

My response is based on a number of factors and mainly on human psychology and neuroscience.

The most open, accepting, gracious people on the planet hold something in reserve when meeting strangers. It’s natural. It’s in our neural wiring. We don’t know if the person we meet is friend or foe so we favor foe until we’re sure of friend. The neural wiring of this goes back through evolution to a time before humans were humans.
Continue reading “What’s your social networking philosophy, Joseph?”

I’m Thriving Globally (thanks to Roshan Bhondekar)!

Brother Roshan Bhondekar, an internationally recognized activist, author (of Love – The Key to Optimism: Path Towards Happiness), and award-winning film maker asked if he could write a piece about me. The result is His Vision Made Him Unique.

When he reached out to me I said sure. Why not?

To be honest, I thought it might be a simple blurb (he’s busy with his many projects). Instead I learn he’s done an amazing job connecting the dots of my life into an interesting story.

I mean, I found it interesting. And I think I’m boring and dull. Sometime we forget what we’ve done in our lives.

And I’m still boring and dull.

Anyway, big thanks to Roshan Bhondekar for writing His Vision Made Him Unique

Enjoying Scotch and Cigars with @FireRenaissance, @FromGreenhills, and @GGGenge

It is warm today. Bright sunshine. Buds on the maples and elms. Crocus are pushing their little yellow and purple noses up through garden soils. Chickadees and grackles, bluejays and cardinals flock to our birdfeeders. Squirrels and chipmunks race along the ground for falling seed and suet. Beetles chirp on the trees. A golden butterfly hovers, says hello, seeks out a flower. A small, brown rabbit lifts its head from a patch of still greening grass. It’s a day you can sit outside and not feel Winter even though Spring is still a few days away.

I get a lawnchair and folding table out of the shed and sit near the feeders – close enough to hear the birds flutter and far enough to let them dine – and face our woods, away from the street. Turning my back on the world, so to speak. Back inside, I get the last half of The Inheritors, a current work-in-progress, and a red pen from my desk. Back in again for two-fingers of #CaolIla in a @GlencairnWhisky glass and separately a tall #Pelligrino (both neat, as taught me by aon a’ mo meantiorreann, Calum), grab a @Drewestatecigar Kuba from my shelf along with cutter and wooden matches (always use wooden matches. Lighters spoil the taste), music, and go back out.

The sun warms my back, pulls the day’s anxieties, worries, and woes from me. The cigar is delicious. I bring the #CaolIla to my nose, close my eyes, relax, inhale deeply, and feel the peat rise in the scent of the #scotch, the heat of it. The music on low, background, so I can hear the birds, the insects, the squirrels and, deeper in the woods, turkey and opossum, coyote and raccoon. Alex de Grassi, Peter Grabriel, Al Di Meola, Peter Frampton, and Chris de Burgh are cradlesongs in the afternoon air.

It would be grand to share this with some friends.

And I’m an author. I make things up for a living.

Suddenly @FireRenaissance, @FromGreenhills, and @GGGenge are with me. We raise our glasses to each other. We tell lies about our pasts and laugh. We share our present passions. We wax on possible futures. @FromGreenhills I’ve read and @GGGenge is on my list. @FireRenaissance sips his #Scotch and smiles. We talk about where our ideas come from.

@FireRenaissance listens to my music and asks, “Is that one of your Thanks (D’s-G’s)?” We laugh, sip our scotches, enjoy our cigars.

We play a game I remember from childhood: telephone. I make up a line. @FromGreenhills adds the next, then @FireRenaissance and onto @GGGenge and back to me. The story evolves with each go-round. The #Scotch and the warm sun work their magic, the cigar smoke gathers us in its cauldron.
The game’s tone shifts until we’re laughing so hard we can’t get our lines out. @GGGenge‘s lines are bawdy (did you know he does a riotous Tom Jones impression?). @FireRenaissance delivers his lines straight-faced and we practically fall out of our chairs laughing. He looks at us with a “What?” expression then can’t hold it and collapses himself. @FromGreenhills starts his lines in a Windsor Castle English and ends in pure Liverpool slang, the Queen interviewed by a gang member.

We can’t catch our breaths from laughing.

And then the #Scotch is gone, the cigars go out. My Brothers return to the mist.

But the music remains, as does a small part of each of them in my heart.

I make a note to bring out the bottle next time. And my humidor. Let the good times last.

Meet Me Off-Planet

The good folks at Federal Street Books in Greenfield, MA, invited me to take part in their sci-fi/fantasy book fair on Thursday, 13 Feb 2020, 7-9pmET.

There’ll be lots of folks there and I’ll have lots of books and a ready pen.

They say it so much better
“Join us Thursday, Feb 13, next door at 12 Federal Street for an out-of-this-world book fair! Participants include Far Cry Zine, @organdonorstudios, The Imaginary Bookshop, local author Joseph Carrabis, and more. Preview over 500 new (to us) sci-fi and fantasy titles: paperbacks for just $3.50. Meet other readers and enjoy light refreshments. Free to browse, items for purchase.”

And if that’s not enough…
“Our bookstore will be open until 7pm so if you’d like to browse our shelves beyond the book fair titles, come a little early! This will be a sober event — but The People’s Pint has great brews, and food, just two doors down from us.”

Come on! Have some fun!

See you there!