The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #7 – Self-Honoring

My blessings continue.

The Change Zone‘s Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald invited me to take part in their 28 Nov 2022 show.

We spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Kind people that they are, they agreed.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy Self-Honoring.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.

Zen Benefiel Chat Snippet #12 – Denying Our Burdens Causes Our Deaths

And here we come to the last Zen Benefiel Chat snippets.


As always, many thanks to Zen Benefiel for having me take part in his One World in a New World series.

I’m sharing some snippets from the full conversation (you can find it on Youtube) every few days. Previous snippets are:

In the meantime, please enjoy Denying Our Burdens Causes Our Deaths.

I’ll give an autographed copy of The Augmented Man to the first five people who comment on the chat (with extra points if you can find my flubs).

The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #6 – Alarm Clocks

My blessings continue and especially today because I’m guesting on The Change Zone thanks to Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald!

Prior to today’s show, we spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy Alarm Clocks.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.

Zen Benefiel Chat Snippet #11 – Smart Monkeys on a Flying Rock Going Around a Nuclear Reactor

Many thanks to Zen Benefiel for having me take part in his One World in a New World series.

I’m sharing some snippets from the full conversation (you can find it on Youtube) every few days. Previous snippets are:

In the meantime, please enjoy Smart Monkeys on a Flying Rock Going Around a Nuclear Reactor.

I’ll give an autographed copy of The Augmented Man to the first five people who comment on the chat (with extra points if you can find my flubs).

The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #5 – One Stone at a Time

My blessings continue.

The Change Zone‘s Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald invited me to take part in their 28 Nov 2022 show.

We spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Kind people that they are, they agreed.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy One Stone at a Time.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.