Those Wings Which Tire, They Have Upheld Me in Penumbric Dec 2k22

“Worthy of Philip K Dick himself. I would buy the whole magazine for this story alone. For fear of ruining the experience, I’ll simply say that a bullied child with a disability and the tech he relies on lead him to make a very unusual friend.”



Cowan was walking in the woods the first time he saw Angel. He was really looking for a haunted house the real estate lady told his parents was back there and he’d walked further into the woods than he’d ever gone before.


The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #12 – “I’m Boring and Dull”

My blessings continue.

The Change Zone‘s Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald invited me to take part in their 28 Nov 2022 show.

We spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Kind people that they are, they agreed.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy I’m Boring and Dull.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.

Brother Crow

What do you know about Crow?

Me, not much.

I learn as I go.

I know that Crow holds a special place in most world mythologies.

At least places in the world where Crow is present.

In most such places, Crow is able to travel between worlds, to be in two places at once.

Fascinating ability, that, and I make use of it in Marianne and The Shaman.

I learned long ago Crow is my Brother Spirit, and met It first during my studies. Now able to hear Its voice, Crow often brings me messages from both near and far, from this side and that.

Warnings. Encouragements. Suggestions.

But the good stuff is what It shares about the secret lives of others.

For example, the things It tells me about you…



The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #11 – Change

My blessings continue.

The Change Zone‘s Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald invited me to take part in their 28 Nov 2022 show.

We spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Kind people that they are, they agreed.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy Change.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.

The Change Zone Test Chat Snippet #10 – From That Th!nk You Do – Things for Women, Things for Men

My blessings continue.

The Change Zone‘s Susan Sneath and Gail McDonald invited me to take part in their 28 Nov 2022 show.

We spent about an hour and a half chatting to get to know each other and I suggested snippets from the chat would make good promo fodder for the full show.

Kind people that they are, they agreed.

Previous segments include:

In the meantime, please enjoy From That Th!nk You Do – Things for Women, Things for Men.


You can see the real conversation (this snippet was from a preliminary gathering) on YouTube.