It’s been a while since we shared the lives, loves, and liberties of our backyard Rabbits.
Not for lack of rabbits, I assure you.
My home state…did an interesting thing a while back.
They brought in several tens of thousands of rabbits and let them loose. Estimates range from 20,000 to 50,000.
Sometimes I wonder if they let them loose in our backyard. A friend woke up to find twenty in his front yard merrily munching on his grass.
I offered, “At least you don’t have to mow now.”
He didn’t smile.
I wonder if my home state understood bringing that many rabbits into the state would cause predators to come in, as well.
Because that’s happened. Bear, bobcat, wolf, hawk, owl, and eagle are definitely aloft more often than before.
We see their signs even if we don’t see them.
And whenever we see their signs, we are amazed because, having no social media accounts, they get their messages out.
Two-Legs had that ability, too.
But that was long ago.