How exciting!
(You can read more about it here and listen to it on Podbean’s What The Book show)
Quite the Life (and all in Times New Roman 10pt!)
Beem, Stephen, and I had a good chat a little while back on Fresh Ink Group’s TheVoiceOfIndie podcast.
Now our chat is posted on several platforms.
I Heart Radio
Google Podcasts
Stop on by any of them, take a listen, and let us know what you think.
Yes, indeed, it is true and will happen on Wednesday, 26 July 2023, 8pmET on BlogTalkRadio’s TheVoiceOfIndie podcast.
I love talking with people. I’m always learning. The topic doesn’t matter, it’s the individual who interests me.
Long ago I worked for NASA and was having a ball. At a family dinner, my brother-in-law, John, asked what I did.
I don’t remember what I said, only that I shared my joy at doing science as a job, one of my many dreams as a kid.
Brother-in-law John smiled throughout. I have no idea how long I talked. John laughed when I finished. “I have no idea what you said, only that whatever it is you’re doing you’re real happy doing it.”
I always remember that when I talk with someone.
The words are the vector, the message is the energy of what is said.
So Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez are interviewing me. Hope they enjoy whatever it is I say.
Stop on by, take a listen. Let us know what you think.
I mentioned Rob and John Carter and I chatting on their MEET THE AUTHOR show in previous blog posts.
This is the final post in a series of thirteen snippets taken from the full interview video. You can also listen to the interview via podcast
Today’s snippet deals with my joy in meeting people, learning about them, discovering their likes and dislikes, and – I hope – making friends.
PS) Please contact me if you’d like me to take part in an author event, do a signing, share about my experiences, et cetera.
Always happy to do so.
(and thanks)
I mentioned Rob and John Carter and I chatting on their MEET THE AUTHOR show in previous blog posts.
This is post #12 in a series of thirteen snippets taken from the full interview video. You can also listen to the interview via podcast
Today’s snippet deals with my upcoming novels beyond the science fantasy The Inheritors. These include the urban-fantasy The Shaman (September 2023 release), an urban fantasy follow up to The Shaman isolating one event in the protagonist’s life and entitled Search (December 2023 release), the medieval murder mystery Tag (March 2024 release), the science fantasy Wounded Healers (June 2024 release) and more.