David Knight – The Truth of You Is Closer Than You Think

Can you see the Light? Spiritual Author and Guide David Knight can.

Spiritual Development and Healing Circle Author David KnightHello all and welcome to our continuing series of author interviews. I’d like everyone to stand up and give David Knight a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.

Today’s topic is exactly that; exciting adventures. David and I will be talking about his work and studies as a spiritual seeker and the books he’s written to help others in their spiritual pursuits.

You can only learn to the level you’ve reached

David’s Bio
David has participated in and conducted Spiritual Development and healing circles for nearly 25 years. He has also been a guest speaker – sharing his enlightened experiences to promote ‘oneness’- at various Mind, Body and Spirit engagements across the UK. He uses inner-dictation, dream interpretation, meditation, mindfulness, pre-cognition, and healing in this work. He co-authors books with Spirit to provide pwoplw with the foundation to discover their own path of truth.

People in life, they have all sorts of things they want to do…

David and I talked about mind-body-spirit healing circles, working with Spirit, helping people discover their personal truth, his most recent book, LEAVE THE BODY BEHIND, as well as his previous books, changing how you live, cleansing one’s soul, mind and body, how being an author can isolate one’s self, the challenge of personal spirituality in the world, success and legacies.

The Peace and Joy that comes from within, nothing can surpass it

You can find links to David’s books on the right or at the bottom of this post (depending on your device). You’ll also find links to Keith’s sites underneath the video. And please comment both pro and pro. Okay, con, too, if something really peeves you.

It’s not just an open mind, you need an open heart, an open soul

The Interview

When I was six or seven I met a fortune teller

David’s Links
David’s Ascension for You blog
David’s books on Amazon
David on Smashwords
David on YouTube
David on Twitter
David on Facebook
David onLinkedIn

You’re given information at the correct moment in time to enhance your ability to live and grow

Prologue from David Knight’s Leave the Body Behind
You are being drawn towards this book for many reasons. And, though a picture or words may intrigue or capture your imagination, it’s what touches your heart and Soul to come that’s of greater importance. After all, you are the aspirant and seeker of truth, aren’t you?
Around the world, many people practice meditation for a variety of reasons. Some wish to alleviate stress, depression, disease or touch upon the peace and bliss within. Different methods concentrate on a sound, an image, repeat various mantras and even undertake graceful movements of the body.
Appreciate, each method can help the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual ‘bodies’ you possess, but only in silence can you experience the ultimate reality of your true self. So, whether you class yourself as a beginner or an ‘expert’ makes no difference, and any thoughts or notions of ego have no place in God’s kingdom of light. Understand the path to knowing ‘him’ is to know yourself.
The power of the ‘stillness ‘ you require begins with a slow breath, followed by another, then another – until you forget that you are breathing. Sometimes you will fall asleep, but that’s only because some part of you needs the rest. In time, you will learn to lose your mind, or moreover, the mind will lose its power over your true essence and divinity.
As you sit and become still, peace shall descend upon thee. The hustle and bustle of the day will soon fade like a distant memory – when you are calm. Please do not worry or become agitated, for the process of clearing clutter from the mind becomes easier with practice. In addition, remove the desperate desire to learn, as this can sometimes hinder the guidance you are destined to receive.
The sojourns of your Soul are as complex or simple as you need them to be. Any so-called obstacles, barriers, trials and tribulations occur for numerous reasons, and to help you to pause and reflect upon whom and what you are. They also bring forth the right conditions for one’s karma and equilibrium, which in turn assist your growth and experience inside and out.
In the peace and quietness, do not wish or pray for easier paths or roads, but except the here and now. Be positive and strong, whatever comes your way. Without division or separation, you are part of God – the source, the creator – so how can you ever believe you face these days alone? Remember, he comprehends everything you think, say and do. No secret can be kept from him, for he is the eternal witness.
By turning your auto-pilot to off as often as you can, you connect and retain the power to change the way you live. Though your ‘life’ will contain many twists and turns, countless opportunities and openings remain, with choices and dreams from the cradle to the grave., so do not look back into the past with regret, you cannot change it.
Likewise, the future is only the seeds you sow in the present. Therefore, cast those thoughts and words and deeds with care into the ploughed furrows of truth within your heart, in the knowledge, they’ll grow and flourish, as his light will radiate upon them. The foundation of your ambitions will be nourished and sustained by the fountain of tears which emanate from pure joy.
Love which flows to, through and from you, will shine forth and open like a flower bud. And, through spiritual guidance and education, the plumes of your Divine fire (deep inside you) resemble those precious petals caught by a brief shower of rain, to glisten in the hot summer sun. Know your magnificence can be displayed for evermore, by comprehending your own brilliance is without limitation. Understand, to experience this beyond the human form, forget the attachments of this world in which you currently reside, and leave your body behind.

Spiritual words flow through for me to write down. It’s almost like, “Did I write that?”


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