Cooler nights bring different friends to our tavern. Often these are new friends, children of old friends. These new friends tell us of their parents. Some have moved on, some have passed on, some are still around and we say, “Say hello for us. Let them know the tavern’s still open. Best ale, grog, mead and fixen’s around.”
Case in point, Pascha the Fox. Pascha is Vasch and Euste‘s kit from a few years back, come a visitin’.
One wonders if, having graduated from college somewhere, he’s returned to live in their basement for a while until he figures out what he wants to do, until he “finds himself”.
Such things don’t happen in The Wild. Once out of the nest, you’re out of the nest. Offspring and siblings will return and sometimes the greetings are warm and friendly, more often not.
The Wild is older – much older – and definitely wiser – far wiser – than Two-Legs. It’s “We’ve done the best we could with you, now it’s time for you to be on your own.”
Still, Pascha came through and we gave him good greetings.
I mean, wouldn’t you? He is a fox.