Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?
It starts with “Not only is Joseph Carrabis a fellow Black Rose Writing and Book Fiends author friend, he’s an amazingly nice and generous guy. I am looking forward to meeting him in person in November, but right now you can get to know him a little better with my next World-building Showcase interview.”
The Mighty Phoebes (Steampunk author Phoebe Darqueling, for those who don’t know) asked me lots of questions, I fumbled through several answers.
The real kicker is where I wrote “I’m told that my work is so tightly written that it’s tough to remove stuff without throwing everything else out of whack.”
The Mighty Phoebes, proving the lie, pulled about four pages from my responses and you’d never know.
The Mighty Phoebes is a Mighty Editor, she.
Take a read, hope you enjoy, be sure to leave comments. She’ll like that.