Two Families Dine Together

Raccoons can be territorial. Especially around kits and food.

We have lots of raccoons and lots of kits.

We promote peaceful dining by putting out enough food for everyone.

The challenge to this rationale is simple; the more food, the more raccoons. The more raccoons, the more food.

Can you say “cycle”?

We’ve had as many as nineteen racoons visiting us at once. It might have been more. A lot.

Officially, we’d call it “a lot.”

All those “a lot of raccoons” got along fine. We had five piles of food distributed a few yards from each other. The various families got along well. It reminded me of that scene in The Godfather where the Five Families got together to discuss business.

Makes me wonder which of the raccoons in our yard is Marlon Brando.