I mentioned Rika Hemachandra (that’s her on the left. I could never look that good) interviewing me in Rika Hemachandra Interviews Joseph Carrabis about Writing.
Now she’s published the interview on her own blog in text form.
As I mentioned previously, Rika currently works in the construction industry, loves art and design, has a passion for reading, spreadsheets (really? She says so) and a curiosity about people, history, current events and Cognitive dissonance (love the way she links those two, don’t you?)
Rika and I covered lots of ground about writing, researching stories, transitioning through different publishing models, and where ideas come from. You can get the distillation at The mind behind ‘The Augmented Man’ if you don’t want to watch the full video interview.
In either case, do let us know what you think, and thanks.