Anybody remember going out with friends pre-covid? Getting together, everybody around a big table, the restaurant had to move things around so everybody could sit together, sometimes they’d even put us all in a separate room so our laughter wouldn’t disturb the other patrons?
Gosh, those were the days.
We’ve just begun to do that again. With a few, select friends, of course.
Not so in The Wild. Here friendships, when made across species, last forever.
Or at least while food resources are available to support group dining.
But even when resources diminish, we rarely hear squabbles, rarely witness arguments and aggressive, assertive discussions.
Most often they’ll snatch and grab, take what they can immediately get and run away.
It may not fill their bellies, and it will get them to the next opportunity.
When perhaps they can share again.
Any Two-Legs listening?
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