Our Lady of the Unsalted Peanut

Anybody who keeps up with me knows I value The Wild and probably more than I value the company of my own species. I’m sure I’ve quote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea‘s andThe Mysterious Island‘s Captain Nemo more than once – “I’ve never found interaction with my species satisfactory.”

Ah, but The Wild holds endless fascination for me. From the invisible-to-others movements of the smallest pieces of the universe to the Universe itself…how can one not be enthralled by the sheer glory of it.

I ask you, have you ever heard the Universe sing?

Have you ever rested a moment on Saturn’s rings, caught your breath, prepare for the next leg of your journey, and ask the stars to catch you lest you fall in an abyss of time?

Not that such would be a bad thing.

Only different.

From what most people experience in their day.

So these posts allow me to share what others can be aware of.

A first step, if you will.

Take it.

Don’t hesitate.

I’ll go with you.

We can discover what’s out there together.
