A Tale of Six Publishers – Part 3 finale

Don’t go with a publisher who keeps you in the dark, feeds you bullshit, and outright lies to you (and lies and lies and lies)! (finale)

Part 1 of this series shared three critical issues to ask any publisher before signing with them:

  1. Marketing – how would the publisher get word of my book out to potential readers?
  2. Distribution – how would the publisher get my book into potential readers’ hands?
  3. Career Development – what would the publisher do to help me become a better author?

This post deals with publisher #3 (whom you met in

Here’s the finale of publisher #3’s bad practices.
Continue reading “A Tale of Six Publishers – Part 3 finale”

Fenwick Dines

I mentioned in Smart Critters, Each and Every One both male and female Raccoons are glorifying us with their presence.

To prove my point, behold Fenwick, a might male raccoon.

A rather direct and focused eater, Fenwick doesn’t entertain small talk. He prefers Two-Legs get to the point ASAP.

Said point being, “Here’s your peanuts, Fenwick.”

I like that about The Wild.

Not a lot of putzin’ around. Let’s do it, get things done, there’ll be time for chatting later.

Yeah, right, most of them take off after they’ve filled their bellies.

How male, huh?


RoundTable 360° May 2024 – Creative Blocks

Creative blocks.

Every creative’s been there…

…that dreaded feeling of hitting a wall, not knowing what to create next or even how to do it, wracking your brain for some kind of answer, direction, or inspiration.

You have to go after inspiration with a club. – Jack London

Creative blocks can be frustrating, but they are universal, and creatives have found various ways of dealing with them. In this RoundTable 360&deg: session, a panel of writers, artists, actors, and other creatives discussed the different ways creative blocks present themselves, strategies for working through them, and tips and tricks to keep your creativity flowing.

This episode was moderated by award-winning poet, publisher, and editor Clarabelle Miray Fields of Carmina Magazine.

Want to take part in future RoundTable 360°? Reserve your space at Eventbrite


Limiting Beliefs now on SubStack

What, you didn’t know I had a Substack?

Well neener neener on you, I do.


Been doing it for a while, been keeping it quiet because I substack rarely.

Only when I have a thought I doubt fits in here.

Give it a look, let me know what you think.

And thanks.

A Tale of Six Publishers – Part 3.2

You’re an author, not a mushroom. Don’t go with a publisher who keeps you in the dark, feeds you bullshit, and outright lies to you! (part 2)

Part 1 of this series shared three critical issues to ask any publisher before signing with them:

  1. Marketing – how would the publisher get word of my book out to potential readers?
  2. Distribution – how would the publisher get my book into potential readers’ hands?
  3. Career Development – what would the publisher do to help me become a better author?

This post continues with publisher #3 (whom you met in

Here I share the second part of publisher #3’s bad practices.
Continue reading “A Tale of Six Publishers – Part 3.2”